The Outdoors Show

The Outdoors Show

Latest Episodes

OS 1341: Rainy Days, Good Books, Loud Music & Great Stories
September 14, 2024

Well, when its raining too much to fish, and the woods are too wet to get readyyou put together big[...]

Fishing Forecast: SOAKED.
September 12, 2024

Not much else to say, is there? The rain continues, so the fishing doesnt (for the most part). However, theres[...]

OS 1340: Rain, Rain…GO AWAY. PLEASE.
September 07, 2024

Capt. Chip Wingo joined the guys in the studio for this episode to talk aboutyou guessed it: THE WEATHER. The[...]

Fishing Forecast: It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year…NOT!
September 06, 2024

Capt. Kevin had a full house for the first time in a little whileprobably because the weather has NOT been[...]

OS 1339: The OS Shift Is Officially Underway
August 31, 2024

So Jeff was back in the studio with Capt. Kevin and Capt. Kirk, and you can tell what time of[...]

Fishing Forecast: It’s TARPON TIME!
August 29, 2024

It was Capt. Kevin and Capt. Ricky at the helm this week, and one look at the calendar is all[...]

OS 1338: Unsettling Weather and Log’s Hogs
August 24, 2024

With Jeff away in Georgia doing some OSR, this episode was in the capable hands of Capt. Kevin and Capt.[...]

Fishing Forecast: And Then There Were Three!
August 22, 2024

Well what do ya know! Guess who decided to rejoin Capt. Kevin and Capt. CoryHollywood himself, Capt. Ricky! So, with[...]

OS 1337: WHAT THE F?????
August 17, 2024

Now before you go getting all flipped out about that F, its nothing naughty the guys were just talking[...]

Fishing Forecast: Summer Storms and…Santa Claus?
August 15, 2024

Capt. Kevin and Capt. Cory were in studio talking about summer storms, and believe it or not, theyre just like[...]