The Outdoors Show

The Outdoors Show

Latest Episodes

OS 1330: The Gang’s All…Gone?
June 30, 2024

Capt. Kirk, Jeff and Chris were all on vacation, so Capt. Kevin got hand-select his team for this episode! He[...]

Fishing Forecast: One. Tough. Week.
June 27, 2024

Capt. Kevin was talking about it. Capt. Ricky was talking about it. What were they talking about? Just how difficult[...]

OS 1329: Kickin’ Bass with Cliff Prince
June 22, 2024

The guys had a pretty cool visitor to the Outdoors Show Studios during this episode: Cliff Prince, winner of the[...]

OS 1328: June Outdoor Craziness
June 15, 2024

With Capt. Kevin doing some OSR in Kentucky, Capt. Chip Wingo sat in once again to talk about all things[...]

Fishing Forecast: Abandon Ship!
June 14, 2024

Whats a guy gotta do to get a quality crew these days? Okay Capt. Ricky and Capt. Cory may[...]

OS 1327: It’s Old School Time!
June 08, 2024

The Old School Kingfish Shootout is upon us, so Capt. Kirk (a.k.a. Cheaty McCheaterson) and Jeff were talking about it[...]

Fishing Forecast: You’re WHERE? And You Caught WHAT?
June 06, 2024

Capt. Kevin and Capt. Cory held down the fort this week while some Forecast mainstays were away. Capt. Ricky couldnt[...]

OS 1326: Blowup on the Beach
June 01, 2024

The beach was going CRAZY with kingfish this week, and the guys were all about it. They had all kinds[...]

Fishing Forecast: Capt. Cory’s Giving Us The Finger?!?!?!?
May 30, 2024

Capt. Cory was supposed to be joining Capt. Kevin and Capt. Ricky for this episode, but he decided it would[...]

OS 1325: What A Spring!
May 25, 2024

Its Memorial Day weekendall of us from the Outdoors Show wish the very best to all the families of everyone[...]
