The Numerology Chick

The Numerology Chick

June's 2022 Numerology Guide: The Alchemy of Your Voice

June 01, 2022

If there was ever a time for you to speak up and come out of hiding, it is now… 

And if there was ever a time to invest in your joy, it is now

And it there was ever a time that your voice could heal… now would be it.

In this month’s guide we cover:

  • Why June is a POWERFUL call to speak up and speak out…
  • A perspective shift (that is sooo freeing!) that can help you feel more confident in showing up for your dreams
  • A real-life example of a woman who used this perspective shift to amass a huge following in her career
  • And a special surprise and offering for my Patreon supporters, that can help you own your voice and your gifts this month in new and elevated ways…

Your Notes for Being Successful in June

#1) Make it a practice of saying, doing, and expressing what makes you smile. 

If you run your own business and do your own marketing, don’t speak to the audience. Speak to you. What is on your heart? What do you most want to talk about, that brings you joy? 

If you are in school, writing a paper, what do you want to write, because you wish someone would write it, because you need that inspiration/knowledge or know-how? 

If relationship is on your mind, what do you wish they would say or bring up? 

#2) Let the zero/the Universe do the rest. Let that bigger and greater energy bring the people, resources, and opportunities to you that want to hear your song and share in your gifts.

Here in JUNE on Patreon –  Instead of a bonus prayer, I am doing something VERY special! I am going to create a mini workshop on the expression number; the number in your Numerology chart that speaks to the greatest gifts you were given, that you must express if you want to experience aligned success and true impact in your life and your world.

You will learn:

  • How to calculate your expression number…
  • Why it is such an important part of your spiritual DNA…
  • And I will give brief descriptions of each number – and examples of how to honor it as you move through this powerful month, of self-expression. 

If you want in, head over to Patreon, to become a member for $5/month. I will have this uploaded (like all my patreon bonus episodes) by the 15th of June if not sooner – so I recommend you go and set it up, so you get notified the moment it hits the press.
