The Numerology Chick

The Numerology Chick

2025’s Numerology Success Code (that will help you take the path of least resistance in your business)

December 16, 2024

You guys. 2025 is a different animal. Literally. We are shifting from the 8 (power, authority, manifestation and sovereignty) to the 9 (wisdom, vision and rebirth).

In this overview of the ‘energy’ of 2025, I am going to cover:

  • The massive difference between 2024 and 2025, that if you know it ahead of time will save you so much heartache and struggle as a business owner

  • Why – if you do not embrace this path – it will feel like you are trudging through mud vs. feeling like you are in a slipstream of flow and support

  • How this awareness can give you a competitive edge moving into the new year

  • An ancient legend that speaks to the incredible rewards and treasures that are potential within this phase (should you embrace its unique call)

  • And the 2 simple yet powerful keys to embrace this 9 Universal Year, so you can shock yourself as you and your work grows to new heights of joy and new depths of impact

The 2 powerful keys for success in 2025:

  • Key 1) Mine for your own wisdom, by looking back over the last 8 years, and developing new sight or perspective. 

Journal prompts: Look at the last 8-9 years of your life. Ask the following of both your private/personal life and your business/calling/work life: What patterns (good or bad) have you observed? What lessons did you learn? What worked and what didn’t?

  • Key 2) Embody what you learned above in your life, craft, business, marketing, messaging, art, in how you speak and dress and move…

Journal prompt/challenge: Who do you most wish existed in your industry or life, over the last 8-9 years? How can you BE THAT PERSON NOW and this year?

Links referenced in this episode:

BIG hugs…

~ Your Spiritual Coach & Numerologist, Nat

P.S. WANNA WORK WITH ME & MANIFEST NEXT-LEVEL INCOME AND IMPACTSend me a message if you have any questions on the work.

P.P.S. Make sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook so we can stay in touch.

Theme music: “Gracias” by Milton Arias licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

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