The Numerology Chick

The Numerology Chick

What the heck is Numerology and why is it the secret weapon for my thought-leader clients? (Part 1)

July 29, 2024

We are going back to basics this month, to talk about WHY Numerology works and why professional clients invest in something that, at first blush, seems so hippie-dippy-trippy. lol.

This month I will be uploading a total of 3 episodes, one/week diving into this topic.

Part 1 (this episode) is all about the origin of Numerology, why it is so freakin accurate and why it is a secret weapon for creating aligned success (where you get PAID to be you).

I am going to cover:

  • The definition of Numerology that you will never read in any Numerology book

  • The true source and history of this work

  • The 4 premises that Numerology is based on, that make it so accurate, life-changing and result-producing for my professional clients 

  • And my own personal story of how I became a Numerologist and spiritual coach when I WAS NOT a woo woo person (teaser – because the results/validations blew my mind)

Part 2 is going to be about the deeper core problems that this work solves and that help clients break through income and impact ceilings. We will be diving into client case studies, too!

And Part 3 is going to be about how Numerology can tell us exactly what to focus on, to solve these problems and amp up our service and impact in the world.