The Numerology Chick
How to get paid, loved, seen for being who you are: A masterclass on the expression number
What we are going to cover in this episode:
- Why this 8 Universal Year of 2024 might be ROCKING you right now
- The number in your Numerology chart that is KEY to being paid to be who you are (and how to find out yours!)
- Why if you don’t embody this number in your chart, you might seek it out in unhealthy ways (and sabotage your highest-level success)
- 5 steps to get paid to be you (these are the foundational components that I cover with my private clients that you can apply NOW to see results)
- Magical homework to be your own Numerologist and Spiritual coach, and apply this knowledge and have a breakthrough NOW
- And identifying possible past wounds and childhood blocks that might be holding you back from owning your authentic, divine gifts and the special part you are here to play
Step 1) Calculate your Expression Number:
The superpower/primary gift of your Expression Number:
1: Independence
2: Connection
3: Creativity
4: Pragmatism
5: Freedom
6: Love
7: Depth
8: Power
9: Wisdom
11: Inspiration
22: Dreaming
33: Joy
Step 2) Decode the block or obstacle preventing you from embracing this gift.
Journal on:
- What is preventing you from knowing or embracing the value of your gifts?
- What negative judgments do you have about this gift? What do you not like about this?
- What negativity has your family of origin held against your gifts? Have you been judged, ridiculed or hurt because of this gift?
- What negativity does your INDUSTRY/profession hold against your gifts?
Step 3) Get 100% behind your gift/Expression Number.
Journal on:
- If the Universe/the Divine Mind does not make mistakes when it designs us, why did it give YOU this gift? How is it a rare and precious metal?
- Why are your gifts so valuable?
- What would the world be without this gift?
- What would your community or family be like without it?
- What would your field, industry or career be without this?
Step 4) Lean into that which allows you to be this and share this gift.
Or… to put it another way, lean away from anything that doesn’t allow you to share this or be this.
Journal on:
- Where can I be myself? Where can I be myself, just 10% more?
- What people, places and opportunities LOVE this gift?
Step 5) Trust your heart-felt guidance.
DO NOT externally outsource your authenticity, your wisdom or your next-steps. Let that inner-orientation (aka being your own spiritual leader) guide your next-steps (even if you do not know exactly how it is going to look to get paid/seen/loved for being who you are).
Journal on:
- What is the next thing that feels good and joyful to you?
What is coming up for you? Did you uncover some new blocks? Did you have some a-ha’s from learning about your Expression Number? Leave those revelations below!
WORK WITH ME & MANIFEST NEXT-LEVEL INCOME AND IMPACT. Click HERE to BOOK AN INTRO CLARITY session, after which you qualify to enroll in the Activate Your Attraction Factor 1 Month Intensive or the Get Seen & Paid to Be You 6 month Journey. I have only 1 spot left for my 6 month journey. Reach out if you have any questions. <3
JOIN the 7th FLOOR over on PATREON by clicking here, for $5 per month. Leave your questions below, so I can address and answer the most common issues in this month’s BONUS episode.