The Numerology Chick

The Numerology Chick

The REAL Meaning of 11:11

December 01, 2023

We are doing a DEEP dive into the true meaning of 11:11 in this month’s episode.

If you have always wanted to know what this repeating number is all about, from a Numerologist who has been practicing, researching and coaching for over a decade… here it is. I am giving it all away.

Also… now is the perfect time to talk about and cover this because the 11 truly is a doorway into new beginnings… and we are right on the precipice of a brand new year!

Whether you are seeing 11’s or not, if you are ready to press that reset button, clean the slate and start anew, this episode is for you. (And if you have ANY 1’s or 11’s in your core chart this episode/mini workshop might shake you – in a good way).

I am going to be revealing:

  • The developmental phases of manifestation in numerology, and why the 1 is ESSENTIAL in creating what you actually want

  • The PROFOUND meaning of seeing ANY repeating number and the first thing you must do when it happens if you want to activate magic in your life (vs become one of those superstitious, disempowered souls)

  • The reason why we are collectively seeing 11’s more than ever before (and the epidemic that our society is experiencing as a whole that needs to be remedied)

  • The actual meaning of the number 1 in Numerology that is based ancient mathematics and sacred geometry (not on a channeled/personal message)

  • The unusual thing that happens when the 1 is taking root or showing up in our lives… (pssst. if you are extra anxious lately, this might be an a-ha moment!)

  • A warning of what might happen if you do not heed this number

  • And what you must know and choose if you want to play with this magic and access new beginnings, that are FINALLY true to you.

TIME STAMPS of the Episode

  • 3:30 – The developmental phases of 1-9

  • 6:00 – What happens if you do not heed the message of the 1

  • 6:50 – The PROFOUND meaning of seeing ANY repeating number (and what to do first when you see them!)

  • 10:29 – The REAL meaning of the 1 or 11:11 in Numerology based on ancient mathematics and sacred geometry

  • 17:05 – The weird thing that might happen when you are called by the 1 or the 11

  • 31:52 – What to affirm, think about and journal on to leverage the 1

  • 35:05 – A warning of what could happen if you do not embrace this number

Want more help with the topic of this month? JOIN the 7th FLOOR over on PATREON! On the 7th floor we dive deeper into the topic of the month through a bonus audio that is delivered by the 15th of each month. (If you want your question answered on the 1 or the 11, leave it below and I might cover it on this month’s episode!)

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WANNA WORK WITH ME? Click HERE to book an intro session or an intensive coaching program with me. I can’t wait to meet you and support you in sharing your gifts with the world. <3

BIG, warm hugs…

Your spiritual-bestie, Nat

P.S. Make sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook if you need extra support this month.

Theme music: “Gracias” by Milton Arias licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

The post The REAL Meaning of 11:11 appeared first on Nat Olson.
