the nantucket project

the nantucket project

rp daily: re-imagine the police

June 26, 2020

tom and rp sit down to discuss the state of policing in america with police chief william bratton. amid mounting encouragement to reform policing in america, bratton discusses systemic changes from both outside and inside the police. bratton served as the New York City police commissioner for two terms (1994–1996 and 2014–2016) after previously serving as the Boston police commissioner. he also took on the role of chief of police in L.A. and continues to influence American law enforcement today. he is the author of the book Turnaround.

tom scott is chairman & co-founder of the nantucket project. rp eddy was the architect of the Clinton administration’s pandemic response framework and the United Nations response to the global AIDS epidemic & is CEO of global intelligence firm Ergo.

rp is co-author of the best-selling award-winning book Warnings: Finding Cassandras to Stop Catastrophes with Richard A. Clarke, Former National Security Council counterterrorism adviser.