The MrT Podcast Studio

The MrT Podcast Studio

TH2024 02.1 Xerxes I

January 21, 2025

Season 2024 - Talk 02.1 - Xerxes I

In 'Xerxes I' Michael A'Bear  tells us that, as a 21 year old, he catches a bus from Victoria Coach Station to India.

On that journey Michael encounters Xerxes and Darius, his father, many times

Click a thumbnail below to view the image gallery that accompanies the talk.

The Burning House Debate:
This is the first in a series of short talks given to the members of the Farnham u3a World History group.

There are a number of famous people from history staying in the 'burning house'. Each speaker pleads for their subject to be saved.
King of Persia:
Xerxes the Great is the son of Darius I, the king emperor of Persia. The empire stretches from the Indus Valley in India, in the east, to the Balkans in the west. It also includes Egypt and the Black Sea area.

When Darius dies in 486 BCE, Xerxes comes to the throne at the age of 35.


Xerxes is a Zoroastrian, but he is very tolerant of other religions, permitting his subjects to follow other religions.

He establishes standardised weights and measures, runs a very successful postal service, develops the concept of money and banking, and builds innumerable roads.
Michael tells us that he is an absolute monarch, and is an absolute terror as well. He leads by fear with his well organised army of over two million men.

Listen to Michael tell us the story .
About this podcast:
This is an edited recording of a talk given to the Farnham u3a World History: Ancient, Medieval and Modern  Group.

This podcast is also available through Amazon Music,  Apple Podcasts,  Castbox, Deezer, Podchaser, Spotify, Stitcher , Vurbl , You Tube and others.

AKM Music licenses Media Magazine for use with this talk.

© The MrT Podcast Studio and Farnham u3a World History: Ancient, Medieval and Modern Group 2018 - 2025