Our Mindful Nature: Meditations Inspired by Nature to Soothe the Overwhelmed Mind and Ease Anxiety

Stress-Free Summer: A Recipe for Timelessness
Here in Georgia, we are stepping into the summer season. The kids will be out of school shortly, and I’m struck with the oh-so-familiar feeling (for me at least) of partial excitement -
Yay! It’s summer. No schedule. Going to the pool! Going camping! Fun
And -
Ohhhhhh it’s summer. No schedule. No routine or rhythm to anchor our days. Yikes.
I thrive on routine and while I appreciate short breaks, I am also well aware that all too quickly that freedom turns into a source of stress for me.
And so, I thought it would be valuable and fun to share a bit of a creative project I’ve been playing with this year.
As you know, I almost exclusively meditate outside. My connection to nature deepens my connection to self and stimulates my creativity. It provides a larger rhythm to my days based on when the hyacinth blooms, the hummingbirds return, and the bees swarm that one particular bush that I can never remember the name of…
In the next few podcast episodes, I am going to share a few recipes with you - recipes for connecting with nature, with time, and with self. I encourage you to go sit outside if at all possible - on a stoop, porch, park, backyard or even a parking lot staring up at the sky.
Have one headphone in and one headphone out so you can hear the sounds of the world around you. Close your eyes and together let’s tap into the rhythms of the natural world as a way to anchor, especially when our daily rhythms aren’t as steady as we would like it to be.
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IG: @merylarnett