Our Mindful Nature: Meditations Inspired by Nature to Soothe the Overwhelmed Mind and Ease Anxiety

The Steadiness of Stones; Our Relationship with Time
“I don’t have enough time”
“Take your time”
“You have all the time in the world”
Common enough phrases; each signaling something about our interaction with the experience of time. Phrases hinting that we should move faster, or slower, that we should do something, or not. And all of which create a cascading story of beliefs for each of us.
Time is such a funny thing. It feels fast and slow {sometimes all at once}. It feels like a separate entity 'out there' that we have no control over and which has enormous control over us... and yet…
There is no universal, objective time.
It isn't out there on its own. It is only HERE; in relation with a where and a who.
Time is inextricably bound to where and to who. It is personal, flexible, and relative.
In this all new 3-part meditation series, we will explore our relationship with time: how our experience of time impacts our meditation practice and how our meditation practice impacts our relationship with time.
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