Our Mindful Nature {Formerly The Mindful Minute}

Our Mindful Nature {Formerly The Mindful Minute}

Resilience & Reciprocity for the Earth

August 10, 2023

In this mindfulness series, we are exploring resilience & reciprocity as skills we build when we bring mindfulness to our relationships with the earth, with others, and with ourselves. In today’s class, we bring the lens of mindfulness to our fractured relationship with nature. 

Diagnosis like plant blindness and nature deficit disorder, not to mention climate crisis, highlight how removed we are from nature. At the same time, there are writers, poets, artists, and scientists all screaming for us to go outside, to remember ourselves in nature. Yet, for the most part, we don’t.

We don’t go outside because we are busy, because we don’t know where to go, or because we don’t like being hot, or cold, or the bugs. We don’t go outside because our culture has taught us to value comfort over all else. We don’t go outside because we might be uncomfortable.

In the Apache language, the root of the word for land is the same root as the word for mind… an interesting parallel, isn’t it?

We don’t like to be uncomfortable - with our thoughts or with the weather. 

However, what we see over and over again through lived experience is that discomfort allows us to tap into and appreciate joy so much more than staying sheltered, closed off, and “comfortable”.

Join me for today’s episode of The Mindful Minute as we revive our connection to nature through resilience and reciprocity.

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IG: @merylarnett
