The Many Hats Club
Latest Episodes
Ep. 40, Words under press (with Ryan Dewhurst)
(2019-01-03): wordpress, ethical hacking, commercializing [00:18:38] There's plenty of companies out there looking for skilled testers; it's just making them aware you exist On the first episode of 2019, we have Ryan Dewhurst aka @ethicalhack3r, founder
Ep. 63, What The Beer Farmers Think No. 6
(2019-06-20) The sixth (approximately monthly) episode of What The Beer Farmers think has brought the following topics: Tavis from Google's Project 0: Hey Microsoft, your 90 days is up; SandboxEscaper and the mad scramble to patch; Chrissy kicking ass: a
Ep. 61, Personal (Information) Security Announcement (with Joseph Cox)
(2019-05-19): infosec journalism, reporting about cybercrime [00:36:28] the first obligation is to your readers - and then to the source This time we turn to cybercrime - not doing it but learning about it happening elsewhere. We have been joined by Jose
Ep. 60, What The Beer Farmers Think No. 5
(2019-05-15) In the fifth (approximately monthly) episode of What The Beer Farmers think the discussion revolved around: a new Beer Farmer - Chrissy; "kinetic response" to a cyber attack by IDF and bringing cyber warfare to the world outside; W
Ep. 59, Veterans and hackers unite (with Cybermentor)
(2019-05-02): pentesting/red teaming, training, military community On this sunny May night we were joined by Heath, a.k.a. The Cybermentor - a veteran, penetration tester. He is well involved in information security communities; both for military and the
Ep. 58, Pancake Con (with Lesley Carhart)
2019-04-11: DFIR, martial arts, breaking into infosec [01:16:55] Do you know how annoying it is to clean a sword? A second episode of this night, and this time we had a pleasure to guest Lesley Carhart, a.k.a. hacks4pancakes: a master of many skills, cur
Ep. 57, Be aware of the puppets! (with Kathryn Brett Goldman)
2019-04-11: security awareness, user behaviour, startup culture [00:12:07]: cybersecurity culture is not based on one 20 minute slide deck Tonight we had two fantastic guests, the first being Kathryn Brett Goldman, CEO and founder of Cybermaniacs and KBG
Ep. 56, I spy with my little SpyEar (with Rachel Tobac)
[00:06:35] I wanted to be a neuroscience major and promptly sucked at school and there were a lot of tears along the way but I did end up getting my double major in neuroscience and cognitive and behavioral psychology [00:06:48] (2019-04-04) This time TM
Ep. 35, Swimming with forensics sharks (with Brett Shavers)
[00:07:59] I've been hired as a hitman on two occasions to kill people that they thought were informants. So this was the kind of people that I was actually working with. People trying to kill people. [00:08:10] (2018-10-18) This time on our podcast we h
Ep. 55, The Beer Farmers' Monthly Special No. 4
(2119-04-01) It's the fourth episode of The Beer Farmers Special; tonight: Mike Kemp - paying tributes to a great person, and: Facebook, again, HTTPS... or not? ...and how Indian government is (not) handling it, InfosecBasics: know what you have and wher