The Legendary Marriage Podcast

The Legendary Marriage Podcast

Episode 139: Navigating Career Transition Together | Michael Alan Tate

August 12, 2019

Michael Alan Tate,  is an executive coach, and the author of “The White Shirt- Find your Peaceful & Life-Giving career at any stage of life”, Michael shares the secret of how to bypass the stack of resumes on every hiring manager’s desk, and how to navigate career change, while keeping your marriage healthy. As president and CEO of On the Same Page Consulting, Michael Alan Tate works with successful executives, entrepreneurs, and technical professionals who are seeking a simple action-focused plan to effectively manage career transitions, keep teams on the same page, and prepare for positive leadership succession. With over 20 years’ experience as an executive coach, consultant, and strategist, Mike knows that successful people want to navigate the murky waters of career transition as quickly and effectively as possible. Drawing on his own experience, Mike developed a unique consulting strategy, in which he helps each of his clients create a powerful and succinct strategic plan, incorporating prioritized actions and accountabilities set in a whole-life perspective -- all in just 24 hours. Mike’s work goes above and beyond standard executive coaching. He understands the power of a career transition, and he knows its impact reaches beyond the office threshold. In his latest book, The White Shirt, Mike speaks not only to those facing career transitions, but also to their loved ones (spouses, partners, parents, children, siblings, friends), who can and should be involved in the process of designing a career plan. Whether graduating from college, struggling to find a job, re-entering the workforce, changing careers, or preparing for retirement, readers will be inspired to successfully navigate their transition while maintaining a healthy, happy balanced life You can find Michael Alan Tate on his WEBSITE, FACEBOOK, and LINKEDIN