The Legendary Marriage Podcast

The Legendary Marriage Podcast

Episode 137: Tom and Karen Schwab- A Couple Story

July 29, 2019

If you are married for the second time, what wisdom and learning have you taken from your first marriage?   Today’s guests, Karen and Tom Schwab, founders of Interview Valet, share some of their story, and the lessons they both learned about making marriage work, working together, and raising miniature donkeys. Karen and Tom are excited to have found each other, after they learned so much from their first marriages.  They have a combined family with a happy brood of kids, grandkids and miniature donkeys and reside in Kalamazoo, MI, where they run their own business, Interview Valet. Karen and Tom share how they met training for a marathon, fell in love, and made and even bigger family.  Growing up in the military, learning from past relationships and coming together to execute a shared vision has made them the awesome couple they are today.   Talk About It: Each week we challenge you to set a time with your spouse to have a conversation that matters. Here’s your conversation starter question: If you were to start married life over, what wisdom would you share with yourself?