The Leak Project

The Leak Project

Latest Episodes

Aliens, Abductions, Implants, Dinosaurs and the Serpent God/Reptilian Connection - Betsey Lewis
January 16, 2019

 -ANCIENT ALIEN SERPENTS will be available July 22, 2016 - Pick up your copy at What happened to the Dinosaurs? 2016 Prophecies, Aliens, Abductions and more discussed with Betsey Lewis. Check out Betsey and her work @ http://

Alexandra Meadors The Galactic Guardians Implants Breaking out of Matrix
January 16, 2019

 Great interview with Alexandra Meadors, from Check out for exclusive content. Be the change you want to see! Free Book, Get out of the Rat Race Fr

Alien Abductions, MILABS, Disclosure, ET, Cupid, Love Bite, Eve Lorgan,
January 16, 2019

 Great discussion with Eve about the influence ET's have over many peoples lives. Do you have similar things happening to you that are discussed in this interview? This might just blow your mind. Subscribe @ for exclusive c

Insider Intel with John Moore - Planet X - Dark Knight Satellite - Martial Law
January 16, 2019

 Declassified Navy Maps, Trillions of dollars spent on Underground Bunkers. What is the Dark Knight Satellite, how many are up there? Who made them and what for? Martial Law, Elections, Wag The Dog Scenarios & More discussed with John Moore the L

Evidence of Afterlife & The Soul - Mark Anthony - Latest Scientific Reports of Spirit
January 16, 2019

 Excellent interview with Mark Anthony a world renowned medium. So much information is compiled in this hour interview, highly recommended for anyone wanting to know more about the unknown and existence of life after death and the Soul. http://www.ev

Nancy Talbott BLT Research Team Inc Definitive source on Crop Circles
January 16, 2019

  Nancy Talbott Founder of BLT Research Team Inc discusses with us the scientific data on Crop Circles and is the goto source. LeakCon 2019, Get Your Tickets Now, They Will Be Sold Out, Long Before The Event G

Independence Day Scenario - Mankind's Survival & The Alien Agenda - Preston Dennett
January 15, 2019

 Great interview with the Preston Dennett, the goto source for UFO and Abduction information. Author of 18 books on UFOlogy, we discuss many documented abduction cases with several types of ET's. 

North Pole Shifting to Siberia So Fast Causing Navigation System Errors, Europe Covered in Snow, GSM
January 15, 2019

 Grand Solar Minimum, Winter Blankets Europe in Snow, North Pole Shifting So Fast, its Causing Navigation Errors, Scientists Debate the signs for Complete Pole Reversal, Latest GSM Updates Start Making Money T

Illuminati Moon Magick, Prophetic Super Blood Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse 12:12 AM
January 15, 2019

 Prophetic Super Blood Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse 12:12 AM, Illuminati Moon Magick Start Making Money Today with Trade Genius Academy and Trade Signal Membership. Learn how to trade Stocks, Binary Options and Crypto Cur

Matrix of Saturn - Control Grid of the Gods - Jay Campbell
January 15, 2019

 Start Making Money Today with Trade Genius Academy and Trade Signal Membership. Learn how to trade Stocks, Binary Options and Crypto Currencies with and all in one community platform. Gain access to over 40 years wort