The Leak Project

The Leak Project

Latest Episodes

Return of Our Binary Star, TImeline, Linking, Ancient Knowledge & Prophecies Around the World
November 20, 2018

 Ancient Prophecies, Lost Teachings, Uncovering Sacred Wisdom from Ancient Prophecies & Lost Teachings with Sheldon Moore. Author of Zen Awaken Buddha Nature Within http://www.yo

Donald Trumps Vedic Star Charts in Detail - This will blow your mind!
November 20, 2018

 Donald Trumps Vedic Star Charts in Detail - Check this out! Incredible interview with Heidi, who reads peoples Star Charts with great accuracy and detail. We look at Donald Trump’s chart in great details and it is fa

Vatican, Banned Bible - Secret Book of John, Revealed by Jesus Christ - Archon Control Matrix
November 20, 2018

 Vatican,Forbidden,Bible,Secret Book of John, Alternative Genesis, Chief Archons, Demi-gods, Demons, Suppression of Adam & Eve, Live Analysis Nag Hammadi - Marvin Meyer Introduction to the Secret book of J

Nibiru Returns - The Gods Battle for your Soul - Marduk & Global Domination - Gerald Clark
November 20, 2018

 Gerald and I discuss the latest Orbital Charts of Nibiru and its Mass. Also could the Anunnaki be retuning? Will it be a battle of Marduk -vs- God of the Old Testament? Who are all these Gods & Ancient Astronauts anyway? Are they one in the same

Dealing With Toxic Clouds in California - Dr Len Saputo
November 20, 2018

 *BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL Become a Crypto Trading Jedi, Its Easy *This is a paid sponsorship by Trade Like A Genius Get Your Historic Silver Morgan Coin, $5 OFF Code Leak Project *This i

California Has Most Toxic Air On Planet - Latest Camp, Woosley Fire Updates, AQI
November 19, 2018

 92 Meals, 2 Weeks Worth of Food, 25 Year Shelf Life, Tastes Good, Only $75 LP Listeners 1-888-411-0779 *This is a paid sponsorship by My Patriot Supply Over 1000 Still Missing from Camp Fire, Worst in California

Searching for UFO's Deep in the heart of Archuleta Co. Silent UAV Flies Over Us Behind it is a UFO
November 17, 2018

 Get your antique silver Morgan coin $5 OFF Code Leak Project *This is a paid sponsorship by Noble Gold investments On scene, one of the most paranormal hotspots on the planet, Archuleta County, Southern Colorado. A

Look - They're Painting The Skies, Miles of Dead Forests, Latest, GSM Update
November 16, 2018

 70% Discount Black Friday Specials, Fastest, Most Secure VPN *This is a paid sponsorship by Virtual Shield Miles of Dead Trees, Geoengineering Act of 2017, SAI's SRM's and Contrails.

Missing Time, Giant Triangle UFO's, Low Flying Black Helicopters, Testimony of a "T.I."
November 16, 2018

 Best VPN On Market, Protect Your Information from Big Data Spies, Musician Neil Beckham Premium Membership @ Over 1500 Podcasts Available YouTu

UFO's & Nukes - Multiple Silos Shutdown via ET intervention - Multiple Testimonies - Robert Hastings
November 16, 2018

 For more than 40 years, noted researcher Robert Hastings has sought out and interviewed former and retired U.S. Air Force personnel regarding their direct or indirect involvement in nuclear weapons-related UFO incidents. These individuals—ranging fr