The Leak Project

The Leak Project

Latest Episodes

How to Talk to an Alien - Nancy Du Tertre - Documented Contact - Latest Intel
January 03, 2019

 Self coined The Skeptical Psychic™. Nancy advocates a new approach to psychic ability that combines intuitive imaging with rational feedback. She calsl this "TSP" - a form of tested ESP and clairvoyance. I am going to read an excerpt from Nancys web

Best UFO Pics to Date, Gold Mothership & Multiple Hi Res Photos, Marc Brinkerhoff
January 03, 2019

video here : Best UFO Footage to date, check out these awesome Craft in the Sky. My Favorite is the Gold Mothership shaped like a Wishbone. I nicknamed it "Thoth's Golden Chariot" Dozens of photos shown, ma

Testimony of a Illuminati, MK Ultra Target & Breaking out of the Matrix (+) Natural Health Tinctures
January 02, 2019

 Special Thanks to Before its News for Featuring the Leak Project Podcasts and News. Make sure to show your support over at BIN by visiting their site at :karen-ann-lucyk macdonald (bearklanmother) discusses her lineage d

Leak Project Exclusive Shiva Mantra Mixed By Dj.R@NSOM the FREEDOMIST
January 02, 2019

 92 Meals, 2 Weeks Worth of Food, 25 Year Shelf Life, Tastes Good, Only $75 LP Listeners 1-888-411-0779 *This is a paid sponsorship by My Patriot Supply Limited, Hand Made, Tin Foil Caps, EMF Shielding Liners, Bl

2019 Forecasts & Predictions - What will the New Year Bring? Jeff Daugherty, LARP Session
January 02, 2019

 Join myself, Jeff Daugherty & the Live Awesome crowd at 4:30 to make your voice heard, set your projections for 2019. What will 2019 bring? World Peace, World War? New Inventions, Old Intentions? Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss? Disclosu

Clif High Latest 2016 Alta Report Predicts Massive Global Cataclysms - Bank Holiday - Megaquakes
January 02, 2019

 Topics of Discussion & 2016 Webbot Alta Report Predictions The Electronic Universe & Archetype of our Solar System Nibiru aka Planet X being used as a "Wag the Dog" Diversion tactic by the media Weather - Most Extreme Heat Spells in Human Hi

UFO's over the White House & Wormhole Technology Transportation WIlbur Allen
January 02, 2019

 With Wilbur Allen, former White House Airforce One Engineer, contract photographer at National Geographic, recurring featured guest on Coast to Coast, History Channel and other prominent news sources, the Leak Project will be exploring UFO Having hi

Close Encounters of the Unusual Kind - Multipe ET Contacts - Bob Mitchell
January 01, 2019

 Here on the Leak Project with recurring guest Bob Mitchell, an avid journalist, researcher, and lecturer Executive for MUFON Canada, as well as cofounder of Toronto News Wiring Services and bestselling author, we will delve into his recent book: Clo

Latest - Did Planet X Cause the Great Flood? How Was the Ark Built? Will it happen again? Mark Combs
January 01, 2019

 In 2013, Mark began to focus his attention on motivational writing and speaking. A self-hosted web page was developed for his weekly blog, Splinter In The Mind’s Eye, with plans to composite some of his motivational writing into self-published book

"Latest intel - May 2016 Retired Nuclear & Biological Expert on The Return of Nibiru Jade Helm 2.0"
January 01, 2019

 Jeff is a Retired Sergeant, and Nuclear & Biological Expert. Currently doing Supply runs on Ships Deep Sea for 28 days at a time in the Gulf of Mexico. He breaks down a bounty of intel, connecting the dots from 9/11, the Patriot Act, the Draconi