The Lead with Jake Tapper

The Lead with Jake Tapper

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Sarah Palin to endorse Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders trouncing Clinton in New Hampshire, ISIS cuts its fighters' salaries
January 19, 2016

Sanders trouncing Clinton in New Hampshire But the Vermont senator's support rests heavily on groups whose participation in New Hampshire primaries is less reliable -- notably younger voters and those who aren't registered Democrats. There are...

U.S. Prisoners Arrive in Germany, 'NY' Values and NY Money, Media Missed Bernie Sanders?
January 18, 2016

Americans in Iran prisoner swap arrive in Germany Three Americans freed in a prisoner swap with Iran are one step closer to reuniting with their families. Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian, Marine veteran Amir Hekmati and Christian...

Trump one on one, Penn and Tell, Oil prices continue to tank
January 15, 2016

Breaking News: Dow Nose Dive Biggest point decline for Dow in 4 months Oil prices continue to tank Dow plunges as oil fears grip markets Dow plummets 390 points Breaking News: GOP Debate Bumps Trump, Cruz friendship fizzles at GOP...

ISIS Bombs Indonesian Starbucks, Gitmo Detainees to Oman, GOP Debate Night
January 14, 2016

Breaking News: ISIS in Indonesia ISIS attacks Jakarta shopping mall The global reach of ISIS Daesh blamed for deadly attack in Indonesian capital Are these attacks the new normal? Refugee crisis spurred by Syria's civil war "I think Europe is...

Dow Plunges over 350 points, Sailors Released, Nikki Haley Rebuts SotU
January 13, 2016

Breaking News: Stocks Take a Hit Dow Plunges over 350 points Breaking News: Nikki Haley rebuts The State of the Union Address Haley calls out Trump in GOP, response angers rank-and-file Haley: Tune out Trump, "The angriest...

U.S. sailors 'arrested' by Iran, Final Obama State of the Union Speech
January 12, 2016

10 U.S. sailors in Iranian custody Washington Ten American sailors were being held in Iranian custody after two small U.S. naval craft apparently briefly entered Iranian territorial waters, a U.S. senior defense official said Tuesday. The...

U.S. bombs 'millions' in ISIS currency, David Bowie dead at 69, North Korea reveals alleged U.S. prisoner
January 11, 2016

In an extremely unusual airstrike, the U.S. dropped bombs Sunday in central Mosul, Iraq, destroying a building containing huge amounts of cash ISIS was using to pay its troops and for ongoing operations, two U.S. defense officials told CNN. The...

'El Chapo' Guzman captured in Mexico, Shooter claims did it for ISIS, Dow plunges 1,079 points
January 08, 2016

'El Chapo' Guzman captured in shootout - The legend of 'El Chapo'Fast Facts: Mexico's drug war. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said the recapture of drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman ought to restore Mexicans' faith in their government...

Dow Hits Four-Day Skid, Native Tribe Blasts Oregon Takeover, Radiation 'sniffer' Jet
January 07, 2016

Dow has worst four-day start to a year on record. The global market freakout of 2016 just got worse. The latest scare came on Thursday as China's stock market crashed 7 percent overnight and crude oil plummeted to the lowest level in more than 12...

NRA Declines to Participate, North Korea Tests Bomb?, Charlie Hebdo Anniversary
January 06, 2016

The tests North Korea conducted until now used fission weapons, which break large atoms like plutonium, into smaller atoms. Such weapons can have a devastating impact. Think the atomic bombs that devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. But...