The Lead with Jake Tapper

The Lead with Jake Tapper

Latest Episodes

U.S. tops 4.5 million cases; nearly 153,000 deaths from COVID-19; Trump in Florida as coronavirus deaths hit new record & hurricane moves in; Postal Service: “We’re not slowing down election mail”; CDC: 260 kids and staff infected at Georgia camp;
July 31, 2020

CDC Dir: 5 steps give “same bang for buck” as shutting economy; Fauci: Safe & effective vaccine by end of 2020 real possibility; Fauci: Virus got worse because U.S. unevenly shut down; Fauci: “Avoid crowds of any type no matter where you are”; Testing Cza

Trump falsely claims mail-in voting will create widespread fraud; Obama condemns Trump’s efforts to discourage mail-in voting; U.S. plunges into recession, worst economic drop on record; Pentagon Task Force to release new report on UFO encounters; Fl
July 30, 2020

Congress deadlocked on new economic stimulus; Trump floats delaying election despite no authority to do so; Trump Campaign: Pres simply raising question of election security; Fauci warns virus resurgence is moving into Midwestern states; FDA could grant e

U.S. surpasses 150,000 deaths from COVID-19; GOP Rep. Gohmert tests positive for coronavirus, was supposed to fly with Trump to Texas today; Trump had at least seven calls with Putin since intel on Russian bounty plot appeared in his daily briefing;
July 29, 2020

U.S. hits deadliest day of the summer from coronavirus; Second Republican set to meet with Trump today tests positive; Trump targets suburban voters with repeal of housing rule; Trump admits he never discussed Iran bounties on U.S. troops with Putin; Trum

Biden addresses systemic racism in economic speech; AG Barr spars with Dem lawmakers in contentious hearing; Fauci, Birx concerned about virus spikes in OH, IN, TN & KY; Trump promotes reckless claims on coronavirus, renews attack on Dr. Anthony Fauc
July 28, 2020

Biden slams Trump: A change of “tone” over a few days doesn’t change the facts of last four years; Biden: I will choose a running mate the first week in August; AG  Barr: Calls to defund police “grossly irresponsible”; Barr to Dems: Can you point to one T

Trump in hotspot North Carolina as polls show more Americans disapprove of how he’s handling virus; First phase 3 clinical trial of vaccine in U.S. starts today; Miami Beach mayor: DeSanctis “unprepared” on contact tracing, blames governor for “uncon
July 27, 2020

Pres Trump’s national security advisor tests positive, WH: Trump not at risk; WH testing czar says U.S. not where it need to be; Trump won’t say if alleged bounties on troops came up in Putin call; 7-day average for new case at lowest level in 10 days; CO

Fauci: all options must be on the table in fighting virus; Amid sinking polls, Trump tries to rewrite virus response; Ohio coronavirus hospitalizations hit record high; Washington among 25 states seeing a rise in cases;
July 24, 2020

US daily death toll topped 1,000 for third straight day; Hospitalizations hitting levels not seen since April peak; Birx: surge in U.S. “very serious” like we’re seeing 3 New Yorks; CDC pushes for schools to reopen in new guidance; Critics claim the agenc

U.S. hits four million coronavirus cases; Portland mayor tear-gassed as calls mount for Trump to withdraw agents; Temporary eviction ban expires tomorrow, final week of extra $600 federal payments; One-on-one with A-Rod as baseball returns during the
July 23, 2020

Ex-FDA commissioner: U.S. could see 300,000 deaths; U.S. positivity rate rises as infections continue to spike; MLB returns tonight with no fans, handshakes or high-fives; U.S. timeline: Cases jump from 3 to 4 million in just 15 days, after taking 99 days

Death toll Tuesday topped 1,000 for first time in two weeks; U.S. signs $1.95 billion deal with Pfizer for vaccine; Dem mayors to Trump admin: no federal forces in our cities; Republicans split on plans for new stimulus package
July 22, 2020

HHS Secy commits to free or affordable vaccines for all; 53 Florida ICU's at capacity despite Gov. downplaying surge; NFL to require fans to wear face coverings at games; Trump admits virus will get worse, finally endorses masks; Republicans split on plan

One-on-one with Dr. Anthony Fauci; U.S. coronavirus cases top 3.8 million, nearly 141,000 dead; Senate GOP battling WH, not Democrats, over new stimulus plan; Florida, Texas lead nation in daily coronavirus deaths; Trump to hold briefing, unclear if
July 21, 2020

Dr. Fauci on not attending today’s briefing with Trump; Dr. Fauci: As a whole, we need to improve testing; Dr. Fauci: I consider myself a realist rather than an alarmist; Dr. Fauci: I would not wait to see if one vaccine is better than another; Dr. Fauci:

Three vaccine trials show early promising results; Trump downplays virus threat, reappears claim it will “disappear”; Florida reporting more than 10,000 new COVID-19 cases; Los Angeles County breaks daily record for hospitalizations;
July 20, 2020

Still no new national strategy as U.S. nears 141,000 deaths; Trump tweets photo of himself wearing a mask, calls it “patriotic”; Death toll up week over week in at least 20 states; WV governor: multiple outbreaks linked to seven churches; MO gov on school