The Lead with Jake Tapper

The Lead with Jake Tapper

Latest Episodes

Super Tuesday 2.0: Will front runners seal the deal?
March 08, 2016

The two presidential front-runners are both eyeing Super Tuesday 2 as a chance to build on their momentum and pad their leads as they look to put the races away by the end of the month. Hillary Clinton will try to set the tone for the entire...

U.S. claims 150 fighters killed in Somalia, Florida poll: Trump leads Rubio, Sharapova fails drug test
March 07, 2016

U.S. claims to have killed 150 fighters from Al-Shabaab in Somalia. In a move to stop what the U.S. military said was an imminent threat against U.S. troops and African peacekeeping forces in Somalia, a U.S. strike in Somalia killed as many as...

Trump flips on torture, GOP inner turmoil, O.J's knife?
March 04, 2016

Donald Trump reverses position on torture, killing terrorists' families. Republican front-runner Donald Trump said Friday that he would not order the U.S. military to violate international laws to fight terrorism, a stark reversal from his...

Romney: "Trump is a fraud", Syria goes dark, Bryan Pagliano - former Clinton staffer gets immunity form DOJ
March 03, 2016

Mitt Romney delivered a sweeping broadside against Donald Trump on Thursday, laying into the Republican presidential front-runner with a sharper attack than any of the party's 2016 contenders have made against the billionaire business...

Romney: "Trump is a fraud", Syria goes dark, Bryan Pagliano - former Clinton staffer gets immunity form DOJ
March 03, 2016

Mitt Romney delivered a sweeping broadside against Donald Trump on Thursday, laying into the Republican presidential front-runner with a sharper attack than any of the party's 2016 contenders have made against the billionaire business...

Carson: "No Way Forward", GOP struggles with Trump victories, Backlash against Chris Christie
March 02, 2016

Ben Carson doesn't "see a political path forward" in the Republican presidential nomination process, and will not attend Thursday's GOP presidential debate in his hometown of Detroit, he said in a statement. But Carson stopped short of saying he...

Carson: "No Way Forward", GOP struggles with Trump victories, Backlash against Chris Christie
March 02, 2016

Ben Carson doesn't "see a political path forward" in the Republican presidential nomination process, and will not attend Thursday's GOP presidential debate in his hometown of Detroit, he said in a statement. But Carson stopped short of saying he...

Super Tuesday is upon us, Anger over GOP choices, Trump hammered over KKK gaffe
March 01, 2016

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell call out Trump on KKK The two top Republicans in Congress called out Donald Trump on Tuesday for failing to denounce white supremacist groups over the weekend. "If a person wants to be the nominee of the Republican...

Super Tuesday is upon us, Anger over GOP choices, Trump hammered over KKK gaffe
March 01, 2016

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell call out Trump on KKK The two top Republicans in Congress called out Donald Trump on Tuesday for failing to denounce white supremacist groups over the weekend. "If a person wants to be the nominee of the Republican...

Rubio jumps on rival's KKK answer, Security chokes reporter at Trump rally, Super Tuesday speculation
February 29, 2016

Trump blames earpiece. Rivals slam Trump for blaming KKK stumble on earpiece. Security chokes reporter at rally. Trump's wife: He goes with the flow. Donald Trump is under fire for blaming a faulty earpiece to explain his initial refusal to...