The Lead with Jake Tapper

The Lead with Jake Tapper

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Wasserman Schultz DNC chair rips Sanders' response, Van Jones rips DNC chair's response, Missing Chibok girl found after 2 years
May 18, 2016

Bernie Sanders, Democratic establishment battle boils over. It was really just a matter of time. With the Democratic presidential primary in its twilight, frustration within the ranks over the party's handling of the primary process spilled out...

Trump blasts 'pathetic' new ad, Sanders supporters gone wild, 9/11 families can sue Saudi Arabia
May 17, 2016

Dems' new fear: Bernie Sanders revolt could upend Democratic convention Priorities USA, a pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC, is spending $6 million dollars on anti-Trump ads in key battleground states. Barbara Boxer, a veteran of Democratic politics,...

ISIS declares emergency, Trump's taxes: 'None of your business', Clinton Foundation: We broke no law
May 13, 2016

U.S. official: ISIS declares state of emergency in self-declared capital. U.S. military officials are closely watching social media and news reports that say ISIS believes it may soon come under siege in Raqqa, Syria, its self-declared capital. "We...

Trump and GOP leaders bury hatchet, Navy fires officer of sailors detained in Iran, Auction site rejects Zimmerman gun
May 12, 2016

Trump and GOP leaders bury hatchet on bizarre day. Here's a concept new to the 2016 campaign: Donald Trump and detente. Donald Trump, who built a campaign on lambasting Republican elites, Thursday came to the citadel of the political establishment...

Trump: No Tax Returns, Clinton's plan to woo suburban women, The new heroin - Fentanyl
May 11, 2016

Trump resists calls to disclose his tax returns. Donald Trump continues to resist calls to release his tax returns. The presumptive Republican nominee told The Associated Press in an interview Tuesday "there's nothing to learn from them." Trump's...

Ryan: I'll do what Trump wants, Pentagon: Key ISIS figure killed, Rubio: I won't be Trump's VP
May 09, 2016

Marco Rubio said Monday he has no interest in serving as Donald Trump's running mate, adding he still isn't sold on the reality star-turned -presumptive Republican nominee. "While Republican voters have chosen Donald Trump as the presumptive GOP...

D.C. suspect in shooting spree arrested, Graham: No Clinton, no Trump, Heavily armed Marines sent to U.S. Embassy
May 06, 2016

A federal law enforcement officer sought in the fatal shootings of his estranged wife at a school, a man at a mall parking lot and a woman outside a grocery store has been arrested, police in Maryland said Friday afternoon. Eulalio Tordil, 62, was...

GOP Conundrum, Speaker Ryan: I can't support Trump right now, FBI interviews Huma Abedin about Clinton email server
May 05, 2016

Paul Ryan: 'I'm just not ready' to back Donald Trump. House Speaker Paul Ryan said Thursday he cannot yet support presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump's presidential campaign. "I'm just not ready to do that at this point. I'm not there...

Sanders can't win - but could block Clinton, Trump open to raising minimum wage, Kasich speaks to public
May 04, 2016

Sanders can't win with pledged delegates, but could block Clinton. It is mathematically impossible for Bernie Sanders to win enough delegates in the remaining Democratic contests to secure the nomination, but his aides see a path through a convention...

Trump: Cruz's father in pic with Kennedy assassin, Navy Seal killed behind Peshmerga lines, Indiana primaries
May 03, 2016

Donald Trump's latest conspiracy theory involves Ted Cruz's father. Donald Trump did it again on Tuesday, stating something from a highly questionable source as if it's fact. In the past, his claims have come from fringe right-wing web sites and...