The Lead with Jake Tapper

The Lead with Jake Tapper

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Trump: Calling Obama ISIS founder was "Sarcasm", Trump called Iraq pullout in 2007, 2011 on CNN, Amusement parks exempt form federal safety rules
August 12, 2016

Hillary Clinton has opened up commanding leads over Donald Trump in several critical battleground states, including North Carolina and Colorado, according to a new poll Friday. Clinton leads Trump 46%-32% in Colorado, 44%-39% in Florida, 48%-39% in North

Trump: Obama & Clinton founded ISIS, Top Clinton state DEPT.aide involved in Clinton foundation, Aleppo doctors beg Obama for help
August 11, 2016

Donald Trump said Thursday that he meant exactly what he said when he called President Barack Obama the "founder of ISIS" and objected when a conservative radio show host tried to clarify the GOP nominee's position. Trump was asked by host

Trump inciting violence?, Secret Service speaks to campaign about Trump comment, Clinton Foundation scrutiny
August 10, 2016

Secret Service spoke to Trump campaign about 2nd Amendment comment. A US Secret Service official confirms to CNN that the USSS has spoken to the Trump campaign regarding his Second Amendment comments. "There has been more than one conversation"

Trump: "Maybe" 2nd amendment people can do something about clinton's judges, Orlando terrorist's father: "Clinton is good for the U.S.", search for kidnapped lectures Kabul
August 09, 2016

Donald Trump said Tuesday that if Hillary Clinton gets to pick Supreme Court justices, there's "nothing you can do, folks ... although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is." He added: "But I tell you what, that will be a horribl

poll of polls: Clinton tops Trump by 10, Clinton aims to rebut Trump on economy, 10-year-old boy dies on 17-story waterslide
August 08, 2016

Donald Trump sought to get his stumbling campaign back on track Monday, unveiling a tax reform plan aligned with House Speaker Paul Ryan's policy agenda. Trump's new proposal would reduce tax rates for most Americans and simplify the tax code, b

Trump speaks in Florida, Source: RNC chief "Incredibly upset" with Trum, Clinton campaigns in battleground states
August 03, 2016

The Obama administration secretly arranged a plane delivery of $400 million in cash on the same day Iran released four American prisoners and formally implemented the nuclear deal, US officials confirmed Wednesday. President Barack Obama approved the $400

Obama: Trump keeps proving he's unfit, Trump gifted purple heart from vet, Trump to crying baby's mom: "Get baby out of here"
August 02, 2016

President Barack Obama offered one of his sharpest denunciations of Donald Trump to date Tuesday, declaring the Republican nominee entirely unfit to serve as president and lambasting Republicans for sticking by their nominee. The strong rebuke in the Whit

Trump: US and Russia should get along, Clinton: FBI DIR. said my answers where truthful, First look at new attack ad from pro-clinton superpac
August 01, 2016

Hillary Clinton emerges from her party's convention in Philadelphia with a restored lead over Donald Trump, having earned a 7-point convention bounce, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll. In a two-way head-to-head matchup, Clinton tops Trump 52% to 43%,

Clinton: Can "Bait" Trump with tweets, can't trust with nukes, Full speen ahead: Trump, Clinton blitz trail, Democrats highlight military, patriotism at convention
July 29, 2016

Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine are hitting the road Friday as the Democratic Party's official White House ticket, launching a three-day bus tour through Pennsylvania and Ohio to highlight their economic vision. Their target audience: white working-cla

Clinton to accept historic nomination tonight, Intel chief: Trump's rhetoric "Bothersome" to allies, New U.S. citizens leading pledge of allegiance
July 28, 2016

Hillary Clinton's allies did everything in their power to set up her big moment Thursday night. Now it's up to her to deliver. As she takes center stage, Clinton faces a critical task: persuading Americans that she understands their frustration