The Lead with Jake Tapper

The Lead with Jake Tapper

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Clinton returns to the campaign trail, Trump's teleprompter journey: From mocking to missing, Syrian airstrikes kill 23; Russia, US allege violations
September 15, 2016

Clinton returns to the campaign trail, Trump's teleprompter journey: From mocking to missing, Syrian airstrikes kill 23; Russia, US allege violations.

North Korea flexing nukes, bumps on the road for transgender acception, Clinton try's to push through sickness
September 13, 2016

A jovial President Barack Obama lit into Donald Trump Tuesday, using his first solo campaign appearance to openly question the nominee's fitness for the presidency. Obama didn't directly address Hillary Clinton's bout with pneumonia, which

Clinton illness brings questions, Will Trump release his medical records?, George Clooney on Sudan
September 12, 2016

Clinton illness brings questions, Will Trump release his medical records?, George Clooney on Sudan.

Race for the white house heating up, Pence: Putin has been "Stronger leader" than Obama, What is Aleppo? This is Aleppo
September 08, 2016

Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson stumbled while answering a question about the Syrian refugee crisis on Thursday, asking "What is Aleppo?" in an interview on MSNBC. Aleppo is a major city in Syria that's been engulfed by the ci

Trump before: I have "Foolproof" plan for defeating ISIS, Ryan to democrats: Give me a break, 100+ Hurt, one killed in bombing
September 07, 2016

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto announce Wednesday that his finance minister, Luis Videgaray, is out of his cabinet, a Mexican federal government official confirmed to CNNE. "I would like to publicly express my highest recognition, not only as p

Trump muddles immigration policy, Carson: Guest worker problem "Possibility", Chicago eclipses 500 murders this year
September 06, 2016

Donald Trump is aiming to pull off one of the greatest political comebacks in history. The Republican nominee is rebounding from a summer of repeated stumbles that threatened to undermine his candidacy, underscoring his ability to claw his way back and st

Clinton used 13 phones and 5 Ipads, Tropical storm Hermine, Marine discharged after warning of child sex abuse
September 02, 2016

What's a classification marking? In regards to an email with classification markings, Clinton said she did not know what they meant and speculated it indicated paragraph markings. According to the report, Clinton said "she did not pay attention

Hurricane Hermine to make landfall in Fl tonight, Trump calls for immigration reform, CNN poll of polls show presidentail race tightening
September 01, 2016

Donald Trump flew into a nation he has constantly berated during his campaign to meet President Enrique Peña Nieto and said they discussed a wall Trump has vowed to build on the US southern border, but not his demand that Mexico pay for it -- an assertion

Trump meets Mexican president ahead of immigration speech, Peña Nieto: Relationship should be based on mutual respect, Trump: Strong border "Sovereign right, mutually beneficial"
August 31, 2016

Republican nominee Donald Trump said Wednesday that he discussed the wall he wants to build along the southern border with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto -- but not which country would pay for it. Trump's call for a wall that Mexico would pay f

ISIS says senior leader killed; vows revenge, Trump surrogate sorry for Clinton blackface tweet, Toxic levels of lead, arsenic found
August 30, 2016

ISIS spokesman Mohammad al-Adnani has been killed, according to a statement from the terror group and its Amaq news agency. His death marks the highest-profile killing yet of an ISIS member. While Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been ISIS' unquestioned lead