The Lead with Jake Tapper

The Lead with Jake Tapper

Latest Episodes

CNN Town Hall: Nancy Pelosi, Neil Gorsuch: 'A very hostile appointment', Democrats consider backing off big battle over Trump's Supreme Court pick
February 05, 2017

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi blasted President Donald Trump's newly named Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch as "a very hostile appointment" and "a very bad decision, well outside the mainstream of American legal thought."

Trump On Iran: "They're Not Behaving", Labor Dept: U.S. Adds 227,000 Jobs In January, "Get Smart U.S.": Trump Responds To Paris Attack
February 03, 2017

Trump On Iran: "They're Not Behaving", Labor Dept: U.S. Adds 227,000 Jobs In January, "Get Smart U.S.": Trump Responds To Paris Attack

Trump Lifting FSB Sanctions?, Tensions Erupt Between Trump and Key Allies, Berkeley Protests Turn Violent
February 02, 2017

Trump Lifting FSB Sanctions?, Tensions Erupt Between Trump and Key Allies, Iran, White House Makes 'Fix' to Russia Sanction, Trump Takes on Friends, Eases on Russia, Feinstein on Trump Feuds, Russia 'Fix', Getting Trump Picks Through C

National Security Adviser: "Iran on Notice", Violence Escalates in Ukraine, First Lady to Live in New York City?
February 01, 2017

National Security Adviser: "Iran on Notice", Violence Escalates in Ukraine, First Lady to Live in New York City?

Democrats Boycott Votes of Trump Nominees, What Trump's Supreme Court Pick Will Face, "American Sniper's" Interpreter Reacts to Ban
January 31, 2017

Democrats Boycott Votes of Trump Nominees, What Trump's Supreme Court Pick Will Face, "American Sniper's" Interpreter Reacts to Ban, First Combat Death Under President Trump, Deadline Day for Obamacare Signups

Barack Obama Weighs In On Immigration Ban, What Are the Duties of a President?, Trump Adds Steve Bannon to Security Council,
January 30, 2017

Barack Obama Weighs In On Immigration Ban, What Are the Duties of a President?, Trump Adds Steve Bannon to Security Council, Travel Ban Sparks Global Backlash, U.S. Officials: Iran Conducts Missile Test, A Family Caught in Travel Ban Chaos, White House De

How Do Executive Orders Work?, Plans to Replace Obamacare, U.S. Sees Spike in Mumps Cases
January 26, 2017

Trump to Sign Order on Voter Fraud Claim, How Do Executive Orders Work?, Evan McMullin Ex-Presidential Candidate Gives His Take, American Air Eliminating In Seat Screens, Theresa May, Trump and a "Special Relationship", Plans to Replace Obamacar

James Lipton Discusses Mary Tyler Moore, President Wants Probe of Voter Fraud Claim, Trump counsel in December: evidence shows no fraud
January 25, 2017

James Lipton Discusses Mary Tyler Moore, President Wants Probe of Voter Fraud Claim, Trump counsel in December: evidence shows no fraud

The Tracking Of Trumps First 100 Continues, ext
January 25, 2017

The Tracking Of Trumps First 100 Continues, ext

The Tracking Of Trumps First 100 Continues
January 24, 2017

The Tracking Of Trumps First 100 Continues