The Lead with Jake Tapper

The Lead with Jake Tapper

Latest Episodes

Children among the dead in suspected chemical attack, Cillizza: Trump insists there is no fire in connections between his associates and Russia, Accuser: Bill O'Reilly needs Tinder
April 04, 2017

Children among the dead in suspected chemical attack, Cillizza: Trump insists there is no fire in connections between his associates and Russia, Accuser: Bill O'Reilly needs Tinder

Trump Welcomes Egyptian President, GOP To Go Nuclear To Confirm Gorsuch, Deadly Subway Bombing In Russia
April 03, 2017

Trump Welcomes Egyptian President, GOP To Use Nuclear Option To Confirm Gorsuch, Deadly Subway Bombing In Russia kills 10.

Trump Signs Orders Aimed At Trade Abuse, Trump Univ. Settlement Reached, NFL Raiders Move To Vegas
March 31, 2017

US intelligence and law enforcement agencies believe that ISIS and other terrorist organizations have developed innovative ways to plant explosives in electronic devices that FBI testing shows can evade some commonly used airport security screening method

Experts Say Russia Still "Meddling", WH Shake Up After Health Care Loss, Ivanka To Be WH Employee
March 31, 2017

Ivanka Trump officially a White House Employee. Experts say Russians still meddling in U.S. affairs. Senator Rand Paul talks to CNN about Russia probes. NY Times: White House aided Nunes intel report

Is House Cmte Paralyzed On Russia Probe?, Trump Speaks at Women's Empowerment Panel, Are US Troops Fighting Like Never Before?
March 29, 2017

Is House Cmte Paralyzed On Russia Probe?, Trump Speaks at Women's Empowerment Panel, Are US Troops Fighting Like Never Before?

Dow Breaks Losing Streak, Questions About Probe On Russia Links, Rep. Speier (D-CA) on House Intel Probe
March 28, 2017

Dow Breaks Losing Streak, Questions About Probe On Russia Links, Rep. Speier (D-CA) on House Intel Probe

Intel Chair Met 'Source' on WH Grounds, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) on Nunes at WH, Rep. Yoho on Freedom Caucus' Path
March 27, 2017

Intel Chair Met 'Source' on WH Grounds, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) on Nunes at WH, Rep. Yoho on Freedom Caucus' Path

March 24, 2017


NO VOTE TODAY; REPEAL IN JEOPARDY, Major setback for WH as House delays vote, House intel chair apologizes
March 23, 2017

NO VOTE TODAY; REPEAL IN JEOPARDY, Major setback for WH as House delays vote, House intel chair apologizes. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes apologized to committee members Thursday, a Democrat on the panel told reporters, coming the day

Terror in London, Trump's personal communications may have been collected, House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes
March 22, 2017

Terror in London, Trump's personal communications may have been collected, House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes