The Lead with Jake Tapper

The Lead with Jake Tapper

Latest Episodes

Trump claims coronavirus is coming to an end, Fauci disagrees; 100 fires burning nationwide; Most in California, Washington and Oregon; Trump pays tribute to 9/11 at site of United flight 93 crash; Some voters in key swing state don’t like Trump or B
September 11, 2020

Fauci: We need to “hunker down” to get through fall & winter; Fauci: We may not get back to our normal lives until end of 2021; Operation Warp Speed Chief: race for coronavirus vaccine has “nothing to do with politics”; CDC Study: Adults who test positive

Jake’s one-on-one with Joe Biden; Trump blames Woodward when asked why he lied to American people; Biden says Trump “waved a white flag” and “walked away” from COVID-19, calls his handling “almost criminal”; 28-year-old teacher dies 3 days after COVI
September 10, 2020

Trump defends telling public COVID-19 was like flu, after telling Woodward it was much deadlier; Trump tries to defect blame onto Woodward after downplaying virus; Joe Biden on Trump concealing coronavirus threat: “It’s disgusting”; Biden says Trump has n

Trump acknowledged dangers of coronavirus to Woodward even as he continued to downplay the risks publicly; Woodward book: Trump knew in early February coronavirus was dangerous, highly contagious, airborne and “deadly”; U.S. surpasses 190,000 coronav
September 09, 2020

Trump on downplaying Covid-19 risks: we don’t want a panic.. we don’t want people to be frightened; Trump now claims he didn’t want to create a panic after Woodward tapes reveal he intentionally downplayed Covid-19; Biden: Trump committed “life and death

Nine companies sign pledge not to rush vaccine; CNN: Trump distressed over report he disparaged military; Senate to vote Thursday on $500 billion COVID relief plan; Iowa case rate per capita among worst in U.S.; India surpasses Brazil, now 2nd behind
September 08, 2020

Fauci acknowledges skepticism around vaccine: “We’ve got to regain the trust of the community”; 16 of the largest U.S. school districts start today, 14 online; Biontech CEO: Could submit vaccine to FDA by mid-Oct.; More than 37,000 cases reported at U.S.

Biden, Harris, Pence make Labor Day visits to battleground states; Labor Day crowds drive fears of new virus spikes; CA breaks record for acres burned statewide in a year; U.S. performed 740,000+ COVID tests in the last week;
September 07, 2020

Trump accuses Biden, Harris of undermining science as he teases a vaccine by election day; Harris says she would not trust Trump on a vaccine, Trump says Harris should apologize for “anti-vaccine rhetoric”; Trump: will have vaccine “very soon, maybe even

Key model predicts 410,000 Americans will die by January; Trump denies calling U.S. war dead “losers” & “suckers”; Biden calls on Trump to apologize, calls his comments “disgusting”; Trump has the biggest job losses of any U.S. president since World
September 04, 2020

FDA rejects coronavirus therapeutic pushed by Trump-supporting MyPillow CEO; Sources: Trump pressuring FDA for silver bullet by election; Limit data on Russia’s vaccine released; Model projects 3,000 Americans a day will die in December; Trump attacked Mc

Stocks plunge, Tech’s worst day since March; Biden says he spoke with Jacob Blake on the phone; Trump again suggests Americans may need to vote twice, which is illegal; Iowa becomes new hotspot as cases spike quickly; German Govt: Putin critic poison
September 03, 2020

Fauci warns cases are “unacceptably high” as Labor Day approaches; Pfizer CEO predicts vaccine trial may have results in October; Fauci: More data needed to prove how effective plasma is as treatment; Drugmakers: No “magic bullet” that will contain COVID;

New CNN poll: Biden tops Trump 51% to 43%; 17 states report upticks in new cases; Pelosi on criticism over salon visit: “it was a set up”; Trump pushes “law & order” message amid unrest
September 02, 2020

CNN Poll: Biden leading on almost all major issues; CNN poll: most not worried about crime and community; Fauci calls for “full-court press” on Covid-19 ahead of flu season; Iowa leads U.S. with highest Covid-19 infection rate; 17 states report new uptick

Trump knocks Fauci: “I inherited him,” Fauci says “we’re all on the same team”; Jill Biden: Trump’s America is “chaos”; Federal investigators: Police tased Jacob Blake twice before shooting, 88 witnesses interviewed; Trump denies health issues as new
September 01, 2020

Trump on Blake shooting, says he feels “terribly for anyone who goes through that”; Trump visits Wisconsin to meet with law enforcement one week after police shooting of Jacob Blake; Giroir dismisses daily testing: “I don’t live in a utopian world”; Astra

Biden: Trump “sows chaos” & “makes things worse”; U.S. hits more than six million COVID cases; WAPO: Trump health advisor is pushing herd immunity strategy despite warnings from Fauci, medical officials; Biden says he hopes to be able to visit Wiscon
August 31, 2020

Trump to visit Wisconsin as he pushes “law and order”; Trump to visit Wisconsin despite governor’s opposition; White House: Trump to visit “hurting Americans” in Wisconsin; Trump strokes chaos, threatens to intervene in “rime infested” cities; Biden: are