The Lead with Jake Tapper

The Lead with Jake Tapper

Latest Episodes

Kushner didn't disclose personal email account, Puerto Rico's aid is stuck in these 9,500 containers, Confused by Trump, North Korea contacts ex-US officials
September 28, 2017

Kushner didn't disclose personal email account, Puerto Rico's aid is stuck in these 9,500 containers, Confused by Trump, North Korea contacts ex-US officials

Obscure law is blocking aid to Puerto Rico, Trump sells tax plan as historic opportunity, Pitbull sends plane to island to transport cancer patients
September 27, 2017

Obscure law is blocking aid to Puerto Rico, Trump sells tax plan as historic opportunity, Pitbull sends plane to island to transport cancer patients

No power. No water. Not much food, Trump says he'll visit Puerto Rico, catching some aides by surprise, Suspected cancer cluster sickens Cincinnati police officers
September 26, 2017

No power. No water. Not much food, Trump says he'll visit Puerto Rico, catching some aides by surprise, Suspected cancer cluster sickens Cincinnati police officers

Hurricane Maria: Puerto Rico reels, Turks and Caicos hit, 'Despacito' neighborhood left in ruins, Trump still denies what everyone else admits about Russia
September 22, 2017

Hurricane Maria: Puerto Rico reels, Turks and Caicos hit, 'Despacito' neighborhood left in ruins, Trump still denies what everyone else admits about Russia

CNN poll: Trump's approval rating hits 40%, This time, Obamacare could die, Maria leaves Puerto Rico in the dark for months
September 21, 2017

CNN poll: Trump's approval rating hits 40%, This time, Obamacare could die, Maria leaves Puerto Rico in the dark for months

Documents sought on President's firings, Chuck Grassley preparing subpoenas for two FBI officials, Puerto Rico 'will not be the same' after Maria
September 20, 2017

Documents sought on President's firings, Chuck Grassley preparing subpoenas for two FBI officials, Puerto Rico 'will not be the same' after Maria

Dozens dead in Mexico earthquake, This is global Trumpism, Category 5 Hurricane Maria closes in on Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico
September 19, 2017

Dozens dead in Mexico earthquake, This is global Trumpism, Category 5 Hurricane Maria closes in on Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico

'Extremely dangerous' Hurricane Maria heading for Dominica, Puerto Rico, Iran's Rouhani: US will pay a high cost if Trump scraps nuclear deal, Georgia Tech shooting: Victim called 911
September 18, 2017

'Extremely dangerous' Hurricane Maria heading for Dominica, Puerto Rico, Iran's Rouhani: US will pay a high cost if Trump scraps nuclear deal, Georgia Tech shooting: Victim called 911

Trump to ESPN: Apologize, Ex-cop Jason Stockley found not guilty in black man's death, Trump: Options for North Korea are 'effective and overwhelming'
September 15, 2017

Trump to ESPN: Apologize, Ex-cop Jason Stockley found not guilty in black man's death, Trump: Options for North Korea are 'effective and overwhelming'

Trump repeats equivocal Charlottesville rhetoric after meeting with black senator, Frank Vincent, 'Sopranos' actor, dead at 80, US citizen fighting for ISIS captured in Syria
September 14, 2017

Trump repeats equivocal Charlottesville rhetoric after meeting with black senator, Frank Vincent, 'Sopranos' actor, dead at 80, US citizen fighting for ISIS captured in Syria