The Lead with Jake Tapper

The Lead with Jake Tapper

Latest Episodes

Source: Trump "Hated" Kelly's Comments, Was Furious; Trump: Government "Very Well Could" Shut Down; House Intel CMTE Delays Hope Hicks Testimony Amid Questions Of Executive Privilege; Trump's Actions As President Threaten Iowa Farmers
January 18, 2018

Kelly Says Trump's View On Wall Has Evolved; It Has; Trump Friend: He "Manages By Chaos"; McConnell: Unclear What Trump Wants In Deal; McConnell: Unclear What Trump Wants In Deal; ; Source: Senate Dems "United" Against House GOP Bill; Trump: "Democrats W

Reuters: President Trump Says Shutdown "Could Happen"; DHS Chief: Don't Remember Specifics Of "Tough Language"; Clock Ticks Toward Shutdown, Negotiations Heat Up; Reuters: Trump Says Russia Is Helping North Korea Get Supplies And Avoid Sanctions;
January 17, 2018

Bob Dole Awarded Congressional Gold Medal; Freedom Caucus: GOP Doesn't Have Votes On Spending Bill; GOP Sen Flake: Trump Eroding Trust In Vital Institutions; Ryan: "Makes No Sense" For Dems To Threaten Shutdown; House GOP Pushes Immigration-Free Fund Bill

WH Doctors Says: Trump's Overall Heath "Excellent"; WH Doc: "No Concerns" About Trump's Cognitive Ability; WH Briefing Amid Ongoing S***Hole Comment Controversy;
January 16, 2018

WH Doctor: Trump Doesn't Have Daily Exercise Program; WH Doctor On Trump's Health: It's Called Genetics; WH Doctor: Absolutely Nothing Withheld From Medical Report; WH Doctor: President Will Decide On Future Cognitive Testing; WH Doctor: The President Doe

Trump: "I am not a racist"; Hawaiians sent scrambling after mistaken missile alert; U.S. military preparing for all scenarios with North Korea
January 15, 2018

Trump: "I am not a racist"; Cotton, Perdue say Durbin wrong on Trump Comments; Trump: "Dicky" Durbin totally misrepresented what was said; Trump denies he slurred African countries; Trump: Democrats "don't want to help DACA people"; GOP's Graham won't sid

Source: Trump "loves" controversy over "shithole" remark; Trump honors MLK Jr amid vulgar remarks controversy; Trump has first physical as President
January 12, 2018

Senator Durbin: Trump comments "vile"; Trump supporters: This is how "forgotten" people talk; Source: Trump "loves" controversy over "shithole" remark; Trump leaves doctor amid criticism of vulgar remarks; Ryan: Trump vulgar remarks "unfortunate, unhelpfu

Trump tweets create confusion before FISA vote; Sources: Trump allies urge him not to talk to Mueller; Trump to Wall Street Journal: "I probably have a very good relationship with Kim Jong Un"
January 11, 2018

Trump slams, then supports surveillance program; Trump undercuts administration's stance on surveillance bill; White House: "Don't see any contradiction" in Trump's tweets; Conway says "nobody" brings up Clinton (but Trump does); Sources: Trump allies urg

Trump: Collusion accusations a "democrat hoax"; Trump still calling Hillary Clinton "my opponent" in 2018; "Dreamers" in limbo with no path forward form Congress
January 10, 2018

Trump won't commit to meeting Mueller; Trump GOP should "finally take control" of probes; Testimony: Spy behind dossier thought Trump could be blackmailed; Trump slams "sneaky" Feinstein for releasing transcript; Feinstein: I want to apologize to Grassley

Inside Trump Meeting With Lawmakers On Fate Of "Dreamers"; Bannon Stepping Down From Breitbart News; Flake: President Drilled Down On What "The Wall" Means; Trump: I'll Beat Oprah; Don't Think She'll Run;
January 09, 2018

Source: Meeting Meant To Put Fitness Concerns To Rest; WH: "The Wall Is Part Of Border Security"; Trump: I'll Sign Whatever immigration Bill The Send Me; Source: WH Aides Told To Decide Whether They Intend To Stay; Source: WH Staff Departure List Expected

Trump Lawyers Anticipate Mueller Interview Request And Want To Limit Its Scope; Source: Trump Still Fuming Over Bannon On Comments in Book; Questions Raised Over Details In "Fire And Fury"; Trump Admin Ends Protections For 200,000 Salvadorans;
January 08, 2018

Author Says He's Spent A Combines 3 Hours With Trump; Trump Admin: Conditions In El Salvador Have Improved Enough; DHS: Protected Salvadorans Must Find Legal Remedy Or Go Home; Trump In '99: "Oprah Would Always Be My First Choice" For VP; Sources: Some O

Author Says He Spent About 3 Hours With Trump; Book Author On Reporting: I Have Recordings, Notes; Tillerson: Relationship Between U.S. & Russia "Strained"; Feds Revive Corruption Case Into Clinton Charity; Dean: Time For a Younger Generation In De
January 05, 2018

Trump Had WH Lawyer Urge Sessions Not To Recuse Himself; Trump At Camp David With Republican Leaders; Book Author On Reporting: I Have Recordings, Notes; Trump Attacks "Sloppy Steve" Bannon On Twitter; Author: People Around Trump Say "He's Like Child"; G