The Lead with Jake Tapper

The Lead with Jake Tapper

Latest Episodes

Special Edition (2): The White House in Crisis. Pompeo accuses House Dems of bullying, Dems warn Pompeo to stop "intimidating" witnesses;  Intel watchdog defends whistleblower as Trump steps up attacks;
October 01, 2019

Trump's first supporter in Congress resigns, pleads guilty in corruption case; Pompeo pushes back on Dem effort to depose State Dept Officials; Source: President Trump would "go on random tangents" about Mueller probe in calls with foreign leaders; GOP Se

Special Edition (1): The White House in Crisis. Pompeo accuses House Dems of bullying, Dems warn Pompeo to stop "intimidating" witnesses;  Intel watchdog defends whistleblower as Trump steps up attacks;
October 01, 2019

Dems fire back, warn Pompeo to stop "intimidating" witnesses; Ukraine's Pres: "No one can put pressure on me"; Ukraine's Pres: I never met or spoke to Giuliani; Trump adviser: Inquiry "nothing less than a coup d'état"; Trump adviser compares House Dems to

House committees subpoena Pompeo over Ukraine docs; Sources: Dems could impeach Trump by Thanksgiving; Schiff: subpoenas, hearings coming as soon as next week. 2-episode special edition of The Lead.
September 27, 2019

WH admits for first time its lawyers directed moving call transcript to highly secure system; Trump attacks whistleblower who sounded alarm on Trump's call for Ukraine to investigate Biden; Sources: Dems could impeach Trump by Thanksgiving; Schiff: Intel

Whistleblower: Trump tried to get Ukraine to interfere in election, and White House tried to cover it up. 2-episode special edition of The Lead.
September 26, 2019

Trump compares whistleblower's sources to "spies," makes reference to executions like the old days; Whistleblower alleges White House cover-up; John Dean reacts to whistleblower complaint; Whistleblower: WH officials were "deeply disturbed" by president's

Any moment: Trump speaks after WH releases transcript; WH transcript shows Trump asked Ukraine to investigate Biden; Trump denies "Pressure to probe Biden despite transcript evidence;
September 25, 2019

Trump holds first news conference since impeachment inquiry; Whistleblower complaint about Trump delivered to congress;

CNN: Pelosi expected to announce formal impeachment inquiry; Trump to release Ukraine call transcript tomorrow
September 24, 2019

Now: Pelosi meets with house Dems as impeachment momentum grows; Schiff: whistleblower wants to speak to house intel committee; Biden: if Trump continues to obstruct, impeach him; Source: Pelosi told Dems: "Here we are. A moment of truth"; Sources: Pelosi

Trump admits he discussed Biden with Ukrainian president; House Dems appear closer to launching impeachment against Trump; New Biden tweet: Trump needs to "release the transcript of the call"; Gore: Trump is face of climate change denial;
September 23, 2019

Trump, without evidence, claims if a republican ever did what Biden did, they'd be getting "the electric chair"; Trump: I didn't pressure Ukraine to investigate Biden, but it "would have been okay" if I did; Intel chair: "We may have crossed the rubicon"

WSJ: Trump urged Ukrainian president "eight times" to work with Giuliani to investigate Biden's son; Trump announces new sanctions, says Iran "going to hell"; Millions march demanding action on climate crisis
September 20, 2019

Trump: "somebody ought to look into" Joe Biden & Ukraine; First TV interview with fmr State Dept. analyst who quit when WH blocked his climate testimony; Shocking video of car plowing through Illinois mall; Patriots release Antonio Brown amid rape allegat

CNN: WH advised Intel to withhold whistleblower complaint; New Intel IG letter sounds alarm, Trump admin stopping him from doing his job; Buttigieg: What is the Trump admin hiding from Congress?; Iran: "we won't blink to defend" ourselves against U.S
September 19, 2019

Watchdog: Acting Intel Chief, WH & Justice Dept stopping me from providing info about whistleblower's complaint; WaPo: Trump's "promise" to foreign leader sparked alarm; Sources: White House & Justice Dept advised DNI to withhold whistleblower complaint f