The Lead with Jake Tapper

The Lead with Jake Tapper

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Sanders says he will not release more medical records; Allegations of misogynistic & sexist comments loom over Bloomberg's first debate; Source: Barr has considered resigning over Trump's involvement; The money trail behind those granted clemency by
February 19, 2020

Bloomberg campaign: Sanders' aide claim that Bloomberg had heart attacks "an absolute lie"; New Sanders ad targets Biden over voter enthusiasm; Sanders, Bloomberg brace for attacks at last Democratic debate before Nevada caucuses; Biden slams Bloomberg: "

Trump commutes Rod Blagojevich's sentence and grants clemency to 10 others; Sanders takes clear lead over Dem field in new poll; Biocontainment unit used for Ebola tapped for coronavirus; WaPo: Therapy notes being used against minors in immigration c
February 18, 2020

Trump: I'm actually the Chief Law Enforcement Officer; Trump commutes Blagojevich's sentence after seeing his wife argue his case on Fox; Judge to sentence Trump confidante Roger Stone Thursday as Trump demands new trial; Federal judges hold emergency mee

Candidates amplify attacks on Sanders ahead of Nevada caucus; Long lines, tech issues plague early voting in Nevada; More than 2,000 former DOJ employees ask Barr to step down; Barr in 1991: the AG must keep the law away from politics
February 17, 2020

Dems turn focus to Nevada with early voting under way; 26,000 Dems turn out for early voting in Nevada so far; Bernie Sanders biggest challenge in Nevada: major state union opposes "Medicare for All"; Dems criticize Bloomberg's $400 million ad spending; N

Moves by AG Barr raise questions over DOJ independence; President insists he can intervene in any Justice Dept case; Bloomberg faces criticism for past comments on discriminatory practices; CDC: Coronavirus outbreak could last through next year;
February 14, 2020

Sources: Barr orders review of high-profile cases Trump rails about while claiming Trump has no influence; Trump: I have the right to interfere in legal cases, but I haven't; WH Official: Trump angered by decision not to charge McCabe; Source: Barr expres

John Kelly: what Vindman heard on Trump-Ukraine call was equivalent to "an illegal order"; Bloomberg, Trump escalate feud with personal insults; AG Barr: Trump should stop tweeting about DOJ; makes it "impossible for me to do my job"
February 13, 2020

Hope Hicks, Trump's ex-body man return to White House; Source: official who ran office overseeing Stone case resigns after nomination for top treasury job pulled; Trump: may stop aides from listening to calls with world leaders; President Trump says Kelly

Trump on lessons he learned from impeachment: Democrats are crooked & vicious; Trump thanks Justice Dept. for intervening in Stone case; Sanders gains new momentum with New Hampshire win; AG Barr agrees to testify before House Judiciary Cmte next mon
February 12, 2020

GOP Senators brush off questions over Trump DOJ interference; AG Barr agrees to testify before House Judiciary Cmte next month; Focus shifts to more diverse states after Sanders wins NH; Sanders wins New Hampshire followed by Buttigieg, Klobuchar; Biden l

America's Choice 2020: Final hours of voting under way in New Hampshire; Three prosecutors withdraw from Roger Stone case after Justice Dept. undercuts recommended sentence
February 11, 2020

Candidates look for clear win tonight after Iowa caucus; Sanders tells CNN "we're feeling good" as NH votes

2020 democrats intensify attacks ahead of crucial primary; Trump retaliates against two impeachment witnesses; Trump repeatedly attacks Dem Sen. Manchin for guilty votes; AG Barr: Justice dept is reviewing info Giuliani got in Ukraine
February 10, 2020

Biden & Buttigieg trade blows over experience, electability; Biden campaign downplays expectations in New Hampshire; Klobuchar campaign raised $3M since Friday night's debate; Klobuchar claims she is "surging" ahead of tomorrow's votes; Trump gets revenge

Key impeachment witness Lt. Co. Alexander Vindman fired from White House job; Dem candidates sharpen attacks ahead of first primary in NH; One-on-one with impeachment witness Bill Taylor; Coronavirus cases on cruise ship in Japan triple to 61, includ
February 07, 2020

Vindman's lawyer: He was asked to leave "for telling the truth" because Trump "decided to exact revenge"; Sanders hits Buttigieg for donations from billionaires; 2020 Dems face critical test in New Hampshire after Iowa fiasco; Bloomberg touts endorsements

Trump takes a victory lap with off-the-rails speech; Red State Dem Senator Doug Jones explains vote to convict Trump; Buttigieg & Sanders in virtual tie in Iowa, awaiting full results; China reports two newborns infected with coronavirus;
February 06, 2020

Trump: Pelosi & Schiff "vicious, horrible" people; Trump slams Pelosi, Romney at National Prayer Breakfast; Trump: Romney used his religion as a "crutch" for guilty vote; GOP Senators suggest Trump has learned a lesson, as he takes victory lap & slams Dem