Culture Eats Strategy

Culture Eats Strategy

Forging Employee Experience To Increase Engagement | 058 Alexander Noren

October 29, 2019

Alexander Noren, the co-founder of Forgeant, joins us today to discuss the power of conversations in forging employee experience. He further shares why entrepreneurs and business owners should give importance to employee sentiments and feelings towards work. 

Employee Experience Zealot

Alexander is a proud husband and father. He is also an MMA fighter and he commutes on an electric skateboard. Most interestingly, he considers himself an employee-experience zealot who helps organizations understand how to create the best experience for their employees.

“Work is not optional, you have to do it. Why do something that is not optional be so terrible? I think we’ve all had that experience. Forgeant is a place where we are building solutions so that folks don’t have to feel that way.” – Alexander Noren

Focus on Communications

Alexander and his team at Forgeant believes that every employee should be able to contribute meaningfully in a way that makes them happy. He believes that the first step in creating happiness at work is facilitating communication. 

“You know human behavior. We have the tendency to just go with the flow. Keep doing whatever we’ve always done and that is one of the leading contributors to why things don’t change. If we want to start change, change starts with conversations.” – Alexander Noren

Another aspect of encouraging open communications at work is employers can keep track of employee sentiments and feelings. For example, Alexander highlights the importance of employee’s alignment with their work.

“Make sure in everything that we do, we’re aligning people with where they want to be. With their strengths, with what they want to be doing.” – Alexander Noren

The Change Mindset

Alexandar shares that whatever he does, he makes sure he and his team are adaptive. When considering company culture, or improvements in their software or looking into the future and asking “what’s next?” he makes them ask themselves how they can be better.

“It’s about a mindset. You have to have a change mindset. Be willing to be uncomfortable with the unknown of the future. The second you start saying, ‘we’re good, we got it figured out,’ the second that happens, you’re in big trouble.” – Alexander Noren

Download and listen to Forging Employee Experience To Increase Engagement to learn more. Remember to let Alexander know you heard about him on Culture Eats Strategy with Jaime Jay!

Connect through the links below:

Linkedin: Alexander Noren

Website: Forgeant

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