The Investor Lab

The Investor Lab

How To React and Respond To A Changing World

March 24, 2020

The current SARS-CoV-2 global pandemic is a world-altering issue. Aside from the obvious morbidity and mortality, the fear pandemic seems out of proportion to the infectious pandemic. Consequently, there has already been a severe impact on the share market, shop fronts, consumer expenditure as well as the social ramifications resulting from isolation. Now more than ever people need a critical analysis of the financial effects of the global crisis, and they need a sense of community in this time of forced solitude. This episode will satisfy both of these requirements. How? Through a webinar inviting discussions about the current state of affairs and the impact it has on property portfolios, and by creating a digital connection between people.

Goose and Gabi field questions from concerned current and prospective investors on the coronavirus crisis and seek to divert thought to building towards a future we want to live in because the world isn’t ending. It is not the apocalypse. We will get through this. What we are experiencing now has happened before and it is temporary.

Join The Investor Lab as they first address self-care before opening up the floor to you, the listeners, for a Q&A. They provide an assessment of the current market as it stands, and where they see it heading, and the things that we can do to support each other and the community during this time.

Key Points:

  • The role of social media in the fear pandemic
  • Looking beyond health to the global financial impact of Coronavirus
  • Taking care of your physical and mental health first and foremost
  • Looking at the situation as a positive call to action
  • Taking stock of what is really important in your life right now
  • How COVID-19 is like pressing a big reset button
  • Dealing with tenants being unable to meet rental payments for some time
  • Building strong relationships and extending care and consideration in a time of need
  • The reality that we probably are already in a recession, and does that matter?
  • Maslow’s hierarchy - a theory of human motivation. Levelling up in this global crisis
  • It’s not possible to pick the bottom of the market in real estate
