The Insight
Latest Episodes
Paleogenetics of East Asia
This week Spencer and Razib discuss the latest discoveries about the paleogenetic history of East Asia. Where did the Tibetans, Han, and Japanese come from?
Coronavirus pandemic of 2020
Razib and Spencer discuss the state-of-the-pandemic at the end of March 2020.
Natural Selection among indigenous Americans
Razib talks to Austin Reynolds about what he's discovered about adaptation in indigenous peoples of the New World.
The Importance of Summer
An excerpt from Spencer's book Pandora's Seed about the eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia in 1815.
Genomics of Mendelian Conditions
Razib talks to Dr. Jessica Chong of the University of Washington about how genomics has changed how we view and understand rare disorders
Decreasing genetic diversity with distance from Africa
Razib talks to Dr. Sohini Ramachandran of Brown about her classical paper from 2005 which showed decreasing genetic diversity as a function of distance from Africa
Ancient Egyptian genetics
Razib and Spencer talk about the history of ancient Egypt, and the insights genetics can shed on the origins of the ancient Egyptians
Genetics and (pre)history of Southeast Asia
Razib and Spencer talk all things genetic and prehistorical Southeast Asia!
Coronavirus and Zoonoses
Spencer and Razib discuss the evolutionary and historical context of zoonotic diseases, and their relevance to current events.
Genetics of Fertility
Razib talks to Melinda Mills about the intersection of demographics and genetics.