The Inside Scope: Periscope || Online Business || Social Media || Personal Brand

The Inside Scope: Periscope || Online Business || Social Media || Personal Brand

TIS 013: Jon Erlichman and Caroline Lesley Create Periscope’s First Station, ParachuteTV1

October 06, 2015

Highlights from the episode:

What was Caroline's life like before Periscope
What was Jon's life like before Periscope
How Jon & Caroline met
Why Jon & Caroline moved to LA
How Jon & Caroline heard about Periscope
Jon's First Scope and the early days of Periscope
What reactions people have to Periscope
How can people harness the power of Periscope
Peri Day in LA
How did ParachuteTV1 evolve

[Tweet "The challenge is there are these traditional ways of doing things & it's hard to break those molds.-@JonErlichman #theinsidescope"]
Important Links From This Episode

Lifestream on Twitter
Lifestream Website
Parachute TV1 Schedule
ParachuteTV1 on Periscope | Twitter
Periscope Puppet on Twitter

Connect with Jon & Caroline

Caroline on Periscope | Twitter
Caroline's Website
Jon on Periscope | Twitter
Email Jon

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