The INH Show

The INH Show

Episode 50 - Jerking, Jrinking, & Jenking (The 3 J's)

May 26, 2020

We made it to 50 episodes! Along with this milestone episode, we're happy to announce our official merch store! Head over to and check it out. On this episode, our friends Siermine (Jimmy) and Tyler are back at it again. The episode format is as follows: [Start - 10:40, Intro / getting paid to beat off part 2], [10:40 - 23:36, highschool jobs / stealing stuff], [23:36 - 39:52, Scam calls / sierm's jobs], [39:52 - 54:11, front line hero clout / more on wiping], [54:11 - end, flesh lights / whats popping & a long ass wrap up]. As always, thanks for listening!