The INH Show

Latest Episodes
Episode 104 - Forced Ambidixtrous
Reese makes his first guest appearance this episode, and the format is as follows: [0:00 - 6:00, 2 attempts at ordering food], [6:00 - 23:19, Intro / Skunks / New tech], [23:19 - 34:54, Wedding DJ / T
Episode 103 - Temperature by Sean Paul
We're here checking in this episode. There are no guests, and we are trying to upload more regularly. This episode's format is as follows: [0:00 - 3:25, A quick recap], [3:25 - 10:00, Bonnaroo / Campi
Bonus Episode #4
We're back with another bonus episode featuring just Steve and Kenny. The episode format is as follows: [0:00 - 8:00 Intro], [8:00 - 14:12, Glow up / Wing-manning people], [14:12 - 15:24, Cat break],
Bonus Episode #3
This is our first recording with Matt absent, making this one a bonus episode. Steve, Kenny, and Steph are on this episode, and the format is as follows: [0:00 - 7:18, Intro and some goofs], [7:18 - 2
Episode 102 - J Slop
The guests this week are Mike (Nibs) and Mike (Sleepy). This episode format is as follows: [0:00 - 7:39, Intro / INH guesses], [7:39 - 18:36, Fantasy football / Philly horse poop], [18:36 - 35:20, Are
Episode 101 - Shorty
We have a shorter episode this week and Tyler is the guest. This episode format is as follows: [0:00 - 5:15, Intro / Bungee jumping], [5:15 - 17:10, Golf / Neighbors], [17:10 - 29:52, Vegas / Long roa
Episode 100 - Banda Di Ragni
Laura and Emily are the guests this episode, and the format is as follows: [0:00 - 10:06, Intro / Old social medias], [10:06 - 17:24, Italy], [17:24 - 37:20, Concerts], [37:20, - End, What's popping /
Episode 99 - AirportCello
That's right, the idiots still do podcasts. The first third of this episode was recorded in mid June before our vacation, and the other two thirds was recorded a month later. There's no guests this ep
Episode 98 - CTE at Sea
We don't even know what our upload schedule is right now. Our apologies. This episode Dan and Ryan are our guests, and the episode format is as follows: [0:00 - 13:54, Intro], [13:54 - 20:36, CO & UT
Episode 97 - FACB
Siermine is back again this episode and the episode format is as follows: [0:00 - 8:40, Intro], [8:40 - 16:11, Bachelor parties / Strip clubs], [16:11 - 25:39, Kid Logic], [25:39 - 34:14, CG's and CB'