The Homeschool Highschool Podcast
Resources for Learning Spanish, Interview with Karim Morato
This week on Homeschool Highschool Podcast: Resources for Learning Spanish, Interview with Karim Morato.
We are joined today by our dear friend, Karim Morato. Karim is a popular Spanish teacher who owns, heads the courses and teaches curriculum at Spanish Educational Solutions and Homeschool Spanish Curriculum. Because she was born in Guatemala and has experience with Latin culture and the richness of her native tongue as well as her education degree in the US, she can give students unique Spanish-learning experiences!
Karim and her husband have been homeschooling their three children. Their oldest has graduated and is in college. Her second child graduated from homeschool high school this year! Fortunately for Karim, she still has one in middle school…so a few more years of homeschoooling high school.
Karim is passionate about helping parents help their kids learn Spanish. She is also passionate about helping young people learn the various Spanish-related cultures. Not only that, but Karim is the Spanish-language co-ordinator and an advisor at HSLDA. She is busy empowering parents for home education!
As Vicki says, one of the best ways to learn a world language is from a world language native speaker!
Homeschooling in the Hispanic community is really growing these days
Karim notes that there have been some Hispanic homeschooling families since the early days. However, there were not enough to provide a sense of Hispanic community within the homeschooling culture. One of the few good things that came out of the pandemic was that leaders within the Hispanic community rose up to help families homeschool well during the lockdowns. Now that there are leaders and community, more families kept homeschooling after schools opened back up.
HSLDA has been part of enabling Hispanic leaders to help their communities. Karim got connected with them in the funniest way. We were all at our beloved 2:1 Conference several years ago. Karim was scheduled, along with a group of blogging friends, to go to lunch with us from 7Sisters. However, she got stuck in a conversation with a representative from Homeschool Legal Defense Association and missed the ride. However, that connection gave HSLDA a “know-someone” who is respected in the Hispanic community. One thing led to another and she became the HSLDA outreach coordinator for the Hispanic homeschool community.
This is such a good example of the power of connection. People connection is a way that communities grow and stay healthy!
Recently Karim was part of HSLDA’s first official Spanish homeschool conference in April 2022. There were two hundred fifty families attending! Since then, Karim has been involved with some online workshops and conferences as well. There are so many Spanish resources for homeschooling now!
Now other homeschool organizations such as Home Education Association of Virginia have added a Spanish track to their annual conference.
As Vicki points out that God made all of us to be brothers and sisters in the Lord. He also made each of us unique. Therefore, to be Hispanic in the homeschool community is a unique situation. It is so exciting to see how God is opening doors for the unity and diversity within his homeschooling community! We can love each other as the children of God in all the different ways!
How can you connect with our diverse homeschool community? (and teach your children these skills)
Connecting a loving and diverse community is as simple as:
- saying “Hi” at a group function
- sitting with different people at gatherings
- inviting a new family over for a dinner or to a field trip
These are all great social skills to model for our homeschoolers and examples of Christ’s lovingness, as well as creating a welcoming community!
Resources for learning Spanish
It is SO good for young people to learn Spanish from a native Spanish speaker like Karim. There are also advantages to learning Spanish from a teacher like Karim. She can share with homeschool high schoolers Hispanic cultures and traditions in a way that someone raised in the United States could not. This is adds a richness of learning that make learning Spanish much more meaningful!
Karim has a Masters in Education and specializes in curriculum creation. Therefore she can bring an excellent Spanish experience to her students through her Spanish-teaching organizations.
The first thing students learn is to think of Spanish, not as a language, but as people. That is because, young people learn better through connections. If they think about people, they feel connected and then connect to their language-learning better.
The next thing Karim works on with her students is their connection to the future. She helps them think about the possibilities of needing to speak Spanish in different situations. For instance:
- What if they go on a missions trip to a Spanish-speaking country?
- Or what if they have a career that requires travel to a Spanish-speaking area?
After that, Karim works on optional mentoring connections for families that want to learn Spanish together. This gives teens practice in conversations with real people. This is time when they do not need to worry about grammar or getting everything spoken correctly. Rather, it is a chance to practice, have fun and develop confidence in learning Spanish. Karim’s mentors are Spanish speakers from Spanish-speakers from all over the world!
Karim’s resources for learning Spanish
Check out Karim’s programs at Homeschool Spanish Curriculum. There are so many ways to learn Spanish there!
Also find Karim on:
- Instagram at Spanish Educational Solutions
- Facebook at Karim Morato
- HSLDA at Karim Morato
Karim is one of those people who bring joy into the world. Join Karim and Vicki for an encouraging discussion on learning Spanish!
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