The Homeschool Highschool Podcast

The Homeschool Highschool Podcast

Homeschooling Over the Summer

July 05, 2022

This week on Homeschool Highschool Podcast: Homeschooling Over the Summer.

Homeschooling Over the Summer

Homeschooling Over the Summer

All of life is education! Even during summer break homeschooling can happen. In this episode Sabrina and Kym share ways to catch up or work ahead while still having summer. (BTW- Kym and her family raise Seeing Eye puppies, so you hear from her latest charge, Finley, here and there during the recording.)

First off, should you do official classes during the summer? Why or why not?

There are some homeschoolers who intentionally homeschool year round (for instance, our friend Misty at Year Round Homeschooling). On the other hand, there are those of us who plan on a nine or ten month school year but might need to consider something special during the summer.

  • For instance, perhaps you unexpectedly had a family illness or other life happening and the homeschool high schoolers could not finish a course during the school year.
  • Or perhaps, there is a special topic teens would like to explore but never have time during the regular academic year
  • Then, sometimes, you know the family will have a challenging year next year, so your teens might want to get a jump on the upcoming year

Life has LOTS of different circumstances and teens have lots of different interests and goals. SO remember: there’s not ONE right way to homeschool high school…or the schedule academics.

Therefore, here are some suggestions for possible homeschooling over the summer

Sabrina and Kym have been there, done that on all kinds of ways to handle homeschooling high school over the summer. Here’s what they have learned:

You should avoid the “shoulds”

Shame does not belong in healthy homeschools.  Remember: You are where you are because that’s where you are.

So avoid the guilt trips such as:
  • Oh man, I should have done…
  • I can’t let go of feeling bad about what we didn’t do

These don’t help anybody! Instead, think about doing some homeschooling over the summer. It’s okay.

Let’s weigh the pros and cons of homeschooling over the summer

Summer can be a time to recalibrate or get a jump on next year. However, you want to think it through.

  • You can work with your teen to create a light academic load that helps them catch up.
  • The family might be able to help the teens catch up on some courses with group activities like:

  • You and your teens can think out-of-the-box and creatively
    • Do schoolwork with several other teens who need to catch up
    • Have a cabin trip to change location to do some coursework

  • You all need a break so no one burns out
    • So make sure there are weeks off where there are NO academics happening! (Even if the schoolwork does not get finished.)

Advice for summer academic plans
Talk it over with your teens, so that you get their buy-in
  • Work together for the academic plans and how-to earn the credits

  • Discuss the schedule together
  • Collaboration is key!

Be realistic
  • If you teen is resistant or tired, do you have to ease up and lower your expectations?
  • Or if there is chronic illness or a family stressor going on, do you need to accept that not everything can get done?

Be kind
  • To yourself and your teen
  • Don’t compare yourself to other homeschooling families

Have some fun and some relaxation, no matter what!

Remember that you are not in this homeschooling business alone. Here are some tools to help you get connected and feel encouraged.

Why not join the 7SistersHomeschool Facebook group

  • You can ask questions and get support from all your 7th Siblings there. (Did you know there are six of us 7Sisters? Sabrina, Kym, Vicki, Allison, Marilyn, Sara. So, who is the 7th Sister? YOU are!)

Also download this how-to guide to help you when your homeschool is behind: Help! We Are Drowning! What to do When You’re Way Behind

You’ve got this!

Join Sabrina, Kym and Finley the dog for encouragement for homeschooling over the summer! (For more on homeschooling high school over the summer, check out this interview with Anita Gibson.)

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The post Homeschooling Over the Summer appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.

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