The Homeschool Highschool Podcast

The Homeschool Highschool Podcast

Scheduling Senior Year for Career-Bound Homeschoolers, Special Replay

July 18, 2023

This week on Homeschool Highschool Podcast: Scheduling Senior Year for Career-Bound Homeschoolers, Special Replay.

Scheduling Senior Year for Career-Bound Homeschoolers, Special Replay

Scheduling Senior Year for Career-Bound Homeschoolers

There’s not one right way to homeschool high school and there’s not one right way to prepare for life after graduation. After all, some homeschool high schoolers graduate and go to college. Some teens need a gap year (or two) before they go to college. They want to work or serve for a time before heading to college. At the same time, MANY  homeschooling high schoolers graduate and go right into the workforce!

It is NOT WRONG to not go to college! Not all young people are called to go to college.

There are lots of options for homeschool graduates. But FIRST they need to finish senior year. Senior year is such a wonderful opportunity to truly prepare your non-college-bound teens for life after graduation. Let’s talk about it! Join Sabrina, Vicki and Kym for Scheduling Senior Year for Career-Bound Homeschoolers.

Scheduling senior year for non-college-bound teens

Help your teen be ready for adulting:

  • Preparations for career
  • Practical life skills that will prepare them for a responsible adulthood

Summer before senior year
July: Plan out the academic year.

What is left of the academic requirements for graduation in your state and/or supervising organization?

Think about practical courses. Has your career-bound teen had courses like:

BTW- Make sure you include your teen in the process. This is especially important as you prepare for senior year. Teens need to be empowered to think and give opinions about what needs

  • to happen after graduation
  • still must be covered in academics in order to graduate
  • how best to fulfill all these

Also, include your teens in choosing curriculum. Lastly order textbooks, supplies and whatever you need for the school year.

August: Work on career readiness skills

There are several ways to approach building career readiness skills. Here are a few:

Fall semester of senior year

September through December: Career preparation for life after graduation.

Of course, you must finish off the academics for graduation between now and June. Try not to overdo the academics (unless there are topics where your teen has definite interest- then, in that case, have at it!)

Instead of killer academics, concentrate on skills that will help them in the job hunt, career preparation and life in general. Here are a few our non-college-bound teens have learned and appreciated.

Winter semester of senior year

January through May

Work on graduation plans like senior pictures, graduation date and location, announcements while things are more quiet. Schedule backwards through the end of the school year. What academics need to be completed or caught up? Schedule backwards to the end of the year.

Also, throughout the year, you may need to wrestle with these questions:

Teens do not always have a clear understanding about what life will be like after graduation. They may experience anxiety (here’s a post to help). Or they might have some totally unrealistic dreams.

How do you deal with students who are struggling or have some unrealistic dreams?
  • Help them discover Plan B’s and let them know how long you will support them as they try for professional gaming, sports or some other “big dream” career.

Join us this week for encouragement for career-bound seniors and their moms. For more thoughts on senior year for non-college-bound teens check this post.

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Also, enjoy these posts:

What are “Values” and Why are Values Important in Career Exploration?

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HSHSP Ep 82: Writing Happens, Make it Useful- Professional Writing Skills

Scheduling Senior Year for Career-Bound Homeschoolers

The post Scheduling Senior Year for Career-Bound Homeschoolers, Special Replay appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.

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