The Homeschool Highschool Podcast

The Homeschool Highschool Podcast

Create a Great Transcript Using Levels in 7Sisters Curriculum- Special Replay

June 06, 2023

This week on Homeschool Highschool Podcast: Create a Great Transcript Using Levels in 7Sisters Curriculum- Special Replay.

Create a Great Transcript Using Levels in 7Sisters Curriculum

Create a Great Transcript Using Levels in 7Sisters Curriculum

We 7Sisters have twenty-two homeschool graduates between the group of us. Not only that, but Sisters Marilyn and Vicki have served as academic advisors to hundreds of homeschool high schoolers. So we have seen first hand that there are no two teens alike!

You, too, have probably noticed that there is a LOT of difference in homeschool high schoolers. God created each to have different:

  • Interests
  • Abilities
  • Goals
  • Needs

Teens have different goals:
  • There are teens who are headed to competitive colleges or state universities, need competitive transcripts.
  • Some college-bound teens are headed to community colleges or smaller, less competitive colleges that still need solid transcripts.
  • Other teens are headed into the workforce who need life and career preparation more than competitive core classes.
  • Some teens are aiming for the military and need to concentrate on that preparation during high school.
  • Other teens with special needs can concentrate on life skills and next steps. They only remedial work needed to concentrate on those goals.

We also know that our teens have different interests. We need to put emphasis on the areas they want to explore by increasing the “levels” of their interest courses. You cannot “Level 5- Honors” every interest area, but you can choose some. Talk to your teen!

You can tailor your planning and the homeschool transcript by teaching courses at the “credit level” of your teen’s needs. Some courses can be leveled up. Some need to stay at Average- Level 2 or College Prep Level 3.

This does not mean that you have not allowed them to face challenges. It simply means you are wise enough to find your teen’s sweet spot in education to have a well-rounded transcript with challenges in the appropriate areas for them. If you have not listened to What Are Levels on the Homeschool Transcript, be sure to catch up!

With all 7Sisters guide and textbooks, use:
  • Higher level activities in the literature and writing guides for college bound teens who are English, Communications, History, Humanities majors.
  • Also use higher level activities in the textbooks for teens going into Social or Health Sciences in college.
  • Use Level 2 for a workforce-bound teen, adapt by using questions as discussion rather than writing.
  • Level 1 (Remedial) is for teens with learning difficulties, so do the guides together choosing which questions and vocabulary are useful to them; also use adaptive technology for listening and writing.

How to create the right level for your teens using 7Sisters curriculum

Each 7Sisters guide or e-textbook comes with instructions on leveling for your specific teen’s needs, goals and interests.

7Sisters Literature Guides include instructions for enjoying their reading at the levels that are best for each student.

You and your teens can choose the best level for each guide. For instance:

  • Level 1 (Remedial): You will use audiobooks for reading and verbally discuss the literature guide together.
  • Level 2 (Average): You may use audiobooks and verbally discuss the literature guide if your teen gets stuck on concepts.
  • Level 3 (College Prep): Your teen will read (or even use the audiobook version), but will work through the guide individually. Of course, they will ask for help if they get stuck.
  • Level 4 (Advanced): Your teen will read (or even use the audiobook version), but will work through the guide individually. Of course, they will ask for help if they get stuck. Plus, they will do some extra writing suggested in the guide.
  • Level 5 (Honors): Your teen will read (or even use the audiobook version), but will work through the guide individually. Of course, they will ask for help if they get stuck. Plus, they will do more extra writing suggested in the guide.

BTW- Each 7Sisters literature guide covers only one or two literature themes so we do not kill the book.
  • There is also vocabulary, a little background information, comprehension and inferential questions.

Other 7Sisters Courses:
Financial Literacy from a Christian Perspective

This is an interactive text that gets the student involved. As always, the text includes a grid that tells you how to handle each level. The text is written at Level 3 so average or remedial-level teens may need to work with a parent or peer through the book. Each chapter includes extra activities and exercises that will enrich the course and help level-up the course (or come up with your own). The higher the Level the student desires, the more meaningful activities the student will complete.

High School Health for the Whole Person

Most teens need a health credit for their transcripts. This text was created to give teens a meaningful Health credit without the busywork and long chapters of many textbooks. Average or remedial teens can work through the text with a parent or peer. Higher-level teens will include some of the interesting activities at the end of each chapter to earn the level they prefer.

History and Philosophy of the Western World

If your homeschoolers covered World History in middle school, why use a typical textbook again? This text covers the World History credit from the view of the philosophers of the time period, so teens learn how thinkers influenced the world around them- and gain some thinking skills themselves. Average and remedial students will work through the text with a parent or peer. Higher level students will choose meaningful activities at the end of each chapter for leveling up.

Introduction to Psychology from a Christian Perspective

The text includes a grid that tells you how to handle each level. The text is written at Level 2, so it is fun and comfortable to read for most homeschool high schoolers. Each chapter includes extra activities and exercises that will enrich the course and help level-up the course (or come up with your own). The higher the Level the student desires, the more meaningful activities the student will complete.

Human Development from a Christian Worldview

The text includes a grid that tells you how to handle each level. The text is written at Level 2, so it is fun and comfortable to read for most homeschool high schoolers. Each chapter includes extra activities and exercises that will enrich the course and help level-up the course (or come up with your own). The higher the Level the student desires, the more meaningful activities the student will complete.

Check out Cathy Duffy’s Review of American Literature It is in-depth and helpful.

Join Sabrina, Vicki and Kym for more details than you can capture in words here! Also, enjoy these posts:

An Authoritative Guide to Literature for Homeschool High School

Create a Great Career Pathways Credit for Teens Interested in Psychology

Fun & Useful Elective: Combining Human Development and Early Childhood Education

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Create a Great Transcript Using Levels in 7Sisters Curriculum

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