The Hoffman Podcast

The Hoffman Podcast

S4E20: Marissa Ingrasci – Ready to Step Into the Mystery

June 30, 2022

Marissa Ingrasci Hoffman PodcastWe complete season four with this lively conversation between Drew and beloved Hoffman teacher and coach, Marissa Ingrasci.

Marissa grew up in a Hoffman home. Her parents, Raz and Liza Ingrasci, founded the Hoffman Institute. Marissa shares a sweet memory of when she was first taught about the Light and the capacity we have to claim our own agency and connection to the Light.

Fifteen years ago, Marissa came to the Process feeling lost and disconnected from herself. At the end of her Process, she felt happy and bursting with love for her parents in a way she didn’t know she could. Through the Process, Marissa connected to herself and the Light in a deeper way.

Marissa shares some deep wisdom about how to live a Right Road life with compassion for self and others, as well as equanimity and joy. In living on the Right Road, we still have challenges. Days will be hard, but with access to Process tools and an integrated Quadrinity, we can meet any challenge with love.

Marissa touches on the dramatic creative change and growth the Hoffman Institute went through when Covid hit in March 2020. She was teaching the last Process before everything shut down for Covid. Marissa shares how it was clear that the students in that Process were going to be released into a very different world than the one they left behind when they entered the Process.

What might it mean to be ready to do the Process, or in Marissa’s words, “step into the mystery?” It might not mean what you think. Take a listen to hear more about what readiness looks like, especially in these times of great change.

We’ll be back with season five in August!

More about Marissa Ingrasci:

Marissa Ingrasci is a Hoffman Process teacher and coach. She manages the Marketing department at Hoffman and is a Faculty Manager. Marissa holds a BA from Emerson College and received her coaching training through the ICF-approved, Academy of Leadership Coaching & NLP. She is also a certified NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) coach.

As mentioned in this episode:

Matt Brannagan:
Matt is Vice-President and Director of Faculty at Hoffman Institute Foundation. Discover more about Matt in his Hoffman podcast episode, Communities of Meaning.

Left Road/Right Road:

Marissa shares a unique way she often works with the Left Road/Right Road practice.

Hoffman Essentials:
A live, virtual 2-Day Hoffman Essentials program. Hoffman teachers will guide you in an insightful and interactive intensive. Through experiential activities, individual assignments, engaging discussions, and connection with a community of learners, you will have the experience of bringing more love and aliveness to yourself and your life while increasing your awareness of, and ability to dismantle, the barriers that stand in the way of living your best life. The experiences and learnings from this program are designed to provide useful tools and practices that you can carry with you for a lifetime.(Please note: This course is for people who have not participated in the Hoffman Process.)

Instagram Lives:
Each day, we host two Instagram lives.

Join our virtual community Quad-Check at 8:00 am PT on Instagram. A Quad Check is a practice to support you in integrating and honoring all four parts of your Quadrinity: Spiritual Self, Intellect, Emotional Self, and your Body.

Come be a part of our daily Appreciation and Gratitude practice at 6:00 pm PT on Instagram. You’ll find the Appreciation and Gratitude practice to be a beautiful way to reflect on your day. This practice will support your Spiritual Self’s natural desire to appreciate and give thanks for all that life brings you.

Quote on change mentioned by Drew:

“Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.”― Tony Robbins


Discover if the Process is right for you.

How to share the Process with loved ones.

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