The Hoffman Podcast

The Hoffman Podcast

S3e31: Jamie MacRae – Creativity as a Way of Life

December 17, 2021

Jamie MacRae artist Hoffman PodcastCanadian Hoffman teacher and visual artist, Jamie MacRae, is our guest this week. Jamie has been teaching the Hoffman Process for 30 years. He taught middle and high school for 42 years, while also heading an art department. He knows about creativity as a way of life.

Jamie did the Process in 1990 in Ontario. It was only the second Process to be held in Canada, Just two years later, he trained to become a Hoffman teacher, becoming the first Canadian Hoffman certified teacher.

The gifts of the Process were many for Jamie. In doing the deep work that week, he found his truths. He also found the tools and practices he has used to live a life of authenticity, a life lived on his own terms.

In this conversation with Drew, Jamie shares many wise words of experience about creativity he’s learned from both teaching and making art. Listen in as Jamie shares what every child (and adult) needs. Knowing this one thing can fundamentally shift our human relationships.


Jamie MacRae My City: Impressions 103My City: Impressions 103

For 41 years, Jamie was an Art Educator and Head of Visual and Media Art. Immersed in an environment implementing technology in the various teaching formats available to students, he became interested in digital photography and the ability to transform his images in a digital darkroom instead of a traditional darkroom.

Jamie originally trained in printmaking. Therefore, keeping his design background within the framework of his pieces is important. Now retired from teaching, he is following his artistic path.

Jamie’s artwork attempts to make a connection between the vibrant urban energy of Toronto and its iconic symbols and locations. The images play with the juxtaposition of abstraction and urbanity, with a realistic undertone.

Starting with the Hoffman Process 30 years ago, Jamie’s journey has led him to where he finds himself today. In the trio of awareness, will, and action, Jamie finds action to be the most important step to take. Taking action truly has fostered his growth in the area of his creativity and personal life.

Discover Jamie MacRae’s art and his cityscapes of Toronto. Learn more about his artist’s journey. Learn more about Jamie MacRae’s journey through the Process and beyond as a Process teacher.

Jamie MacRae
My City 84 24x 48 Mixed Media on Wooden Panel with Resin


Jane Jacobs

Jane Jacobs moved from the US to Toronto in 1968, bringing her vision and many skills as an urban planner to Toronto. Her work helped shape the city in numerous ways

Hoffman Tools and Practices

Use Hoffman Process tools, practices, and audio tools to deepen your connection to your Quadrinity.

Jamie offers a distinction between Hoffman Process tools and practices. He finds tools useful in fixing something that isn’t working. Alternately, he shares that, “Practices are things I do on a daily basis that keep me connected to my authentic Spiritual Self.”

Podcast: Download (Duration: 29:50 — 27.3MB)