The Hoffman Podcast

The Hoffman Podcast

S3e6: Julio G Alvarez - The Gifts of Forgiveness

June 24, 2021

Julio G AlvarezJulio Alvarez is a first-generation Latin American from the suburbs of New York. At age thirty-three, the Hoffman Process changed the course of Julio’s life. Julio came out as gay in high school and was ultimately kicked out of the house by his father. The President of the local Rotary Club took Julio into his home.

In this episode, Julio shares his Process story with the kind of compassion and understanding that comes from doing deep transformational work. He shares with us his story of forgiveness. In doing so, we come to see the beautiful gifts that forgiveness has to offer. Julio didn’t speak to his father for more than ten years. Now he and his father are in a new and healthy relationship.

Listen in as Julio shares some beautiful wisdom like: “Life is always speaking to us so pay attention to the whispers.” He has learned how to shift his inner dialogue back to self-worthiness and self-love. This is the change that the Hoffman Process makes possible.


Julio earned a full scholarship to NYU. He has now spent more than a decade helping tech brands share their story, bringing products to life like Google Drive, Airbnb Plus, and Lyft Self-Driving cars. This year, Julio’s family members fell ill to the anxieties and realities of COVID. In response, Julio turned to his Hoffman process work and tools in order to gain a deeper understanding of himself and what matters most in life.

Follow Julio on Instagram to learn more about his journey.

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