The Hoffman Podcast

S9e12: Lori Raudnask – Doing Deep Work at Hoffman Canada
We welcome Lori Raudnask, Operations Manager for Hoffman Institute, Canada, and an international speaker, entrepreneur, and author in her own right, to the Hoffman Podcast.
Lori guides Canadian students through their pre-Process journey and oversees Hoffman Process, Canada operations. She has coached, trained, and mentored thousands worldwide and received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.
Lori came to the Process at the suggestion of an acquaintance who had a great experience there. Lori shares how the Hoffman Process was “like a bulldozer going through” her garden, “getting to the root of” her patterns.” It was that life-changing.
As operations manager, Lori is all in on supporting students through the journey of the Process working with them to make sure they’re ready. She’s worked for many years with Canadian graduates through groups she named, Continuing Your Journey. Lori held group meetings in her living room, bringing together graduates of the Process, some of whom hadn’t been contacted for more than twenty-five years. Some even drove two hours to get to these monthly meetings. Hoffman USA has called these meetings Hoffman graduate groups. Hoffman Canada now does the same.
What drives Lori is the desire to serve people and to help them win big in their lives. We hope you enjoy this delightful and informative conversation with Lori and Drew. If you decide to take the Process in Canada, you’ll meet Lori and be glad you have.
More about Lori Raudnask:
Lori is an international speaker, entrepreneur, and author who has coached, trained, and mentored thousands worldwide. She has mastered the sales process building a team that generated well over 100 million dollars in direct sales. Lori has launched the careers of hundreds of successful entrepreneurs worldwide. For decades, she has dedicated her life to helping others win big. Lori has produced and hosted the TV, show Persistence Pays, and is the author of Persistence Pays: How getting what you want is easier than you think. She received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal and was chosen as Stoney Creek’s Citizen of the Year for her community service. Lori believes that if we are persistent, we can have anything we want; she does mean everything!
Lori’s ultimate goal is to help people live happy, fulfilled lives and bring out the best in themselves. Her role as Operations Manager for Hoffman Institute, Canada, fulfills that dream. She has been married for 42 years has two children Megan and Kyle and is blessed with four grandchildren.
Discover more about Lori and Persistence Pays, here.
As mentioned in this episode:
Site of the Canadian Hoffman Process: Sanctum Retreat, Canada
The Raven River by Sanctum Retreat
Peter and Maureen Kolassa, previous owners of the Hoffman Process Canada
Grad groups – Canada
Grad groups – US
Liza Ingrasci:
Liza is the CEO of the Hoffman Institute Foundation. She received her BA in Developmental Psychology from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 1974. Throughout her career, she has held executive positions in national seminar companies, where she was responsible for enrollment and alumni participation. She has been with the Hoffman Institute since 1990.
Ongoing support for graduates of the Process:
US, Canada
1-Day Graduate Refreshers
Toronto, ON: Living Your Vision, November 30, 2024, with Hoffman teachers Barbara Burke and Jamie MacRae.