The Healthy Self

The Healthy Self

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Tips for Getting Plenty of ZZZs
November 16, 2015

Stress and tension can often cause sleepless nights.Stress and tension can often cause sleepless nights. Maybe you toss and turn during the night and wake up the next morning still tired... resulting in you having to drag yourself through the day. Michael

Stress-Relieving Diet
November 16, 2015

Christmas and Thanksgiving are soon here, and you might already be feeling the stress.Christmas and Thanksgiving are soon here, and you might already be feeling the stress. With the holidays, there are lots of sweets and desserts you may want to dig in to

Dealing with Holiday Stress
November 16, 2015

With the holidays around the corner, stress is not far behind.With the holidays around the corner, stress is not far behind.  Do holiday shopping and cooking for the whole family make your brain and body go into overload mode?  Susan Smith Jones, PhD, and

Magnesium: The Life-Changing Mineral
November 09, 2015

Can one simple mineral change a person's life?You know that vitamins and minerals are good for the body. They can help you regain strength and revitalize your body.  But, can one simple mineral change a person's life?  On one level, yes. On another level,

Are Your Cells Lacking Oxygen?
November 09, 2015

Are your cells suffering shortness of oxygen? Are they sluggish or short-winded?Are your cells suffering shortness of oxygen? Are they sluggish or short-winded? Host Michael Schwartz examines the role of oxygen and how it affects cellular respiration. Lea

Achieve Balance & Harmony with these 5 Sources of Iodine
November 09, 2015

Balance and harmony can be viewed from many different levels. Learn how to get your body back into balance.Balance and harmony can be viewed from many different levels.  In medical terms, it's the concept of homeostasis.  Homeostasis is a process that mai

Use Blood Sugar More Effectively
November 09, 2015

Glucose. You hear a lot about it, but what exactly is it, and how can you control it?Glucose. You hear a lot about it, but what exactly is it, and how can you control it? It is not only for fuel and energy.  There is a way to minimize fat accumulation in

Weak Bones & Water Retention: What’s the Connection?
November 09, 2015

How are calcium, potassium, and phosphorus all connected?Host, Michael Schwartz covers the physiological affects of calcium, potassium, and phosphorus.  Obviously, calcium and phosphorus are essential for bone growth.  Potassium helps with water balance. 

Truth about Carbs & Weight Gain
November 02, 2015

Many diet books have blamed plant foods, which are high in carbohydrates, for the obesity crisis.Many diet books have blamed plant foods, which are high in carbohydrates, for the obesity crisis.  While the theory persists, health care professionals have a

The Calcium Myth
November 02, 2015

Dairy products have been relentlessly promoted as healthful and particularly protective against osteoporosis, but the opposite is actually true.Dairy products have been relentlessly promoted as healthful and particularly protective against osteoporosis, a
