Private Podcast Audio

Private Podcast Audio

Well Worn

October 17, 2024

In this episode of The Gentle Rebel Podcast, I crack open the words “Well Worn”, our most recent Kota exploration in The Haven.

What comes to mind when you hear those words? An established footpath, a threadbare object, or a pair of shoes that have served you well?

My Thread Bear

Well” can be about health, satisfaction, or abundance. Yet it can also signify something done with care and purpose. “Worn,” on the other hand, evokes the passing of time, established use, and tiredness. It’s about what we put on, what shapes us, and what degrades over time.

All of my life, I have been wearing them,
the hand-me-downs, the pants too long,
arms of sweaters stretched longer than mine,
sleeves of shirts I rolled up like newspapers,
those shoulders that would never stay in place,
always remembering: we are here to fit in.

And the very shoes that narrowed on my feet,
I gave away or traded up for other people’s soles.
I have thought somewhere there must be men
whose socks don’t shrink, whose buttons stay put,
whose shirts never wear out at the elbows.
I paid for what other people gave away.

All of my life I wanted to stand tall,
but as I grew up my clothes kept wearing out, when
in my child’s heart, I only wanted the comfort of corduroy,
a face that didn’t need ironing, a crease that would stay put—
these labels I hoped wouldn’t rub off.
—Michael Magee

The Key Areas

The prompt evoked a bunch of areas to explore in our gathering. I have attempted to touch on as many as I can remember in this episode. It took us in some helpful directions where we were able to think about our relationship with creativity, sensitivity, and the stuff that matters most in life.

Wearing The Skin We Are In

We talked about how skin can tell a story of our lives through callouses, scars, and the marks of time. We considered how thick skin is earned through persistence and repetition, not something you simply “have”.

The Beauty of Imperfection

I shared my love for how dents, stains, and wear give character to things. They signpost us to memories and stories in ways perfection can’t.

Well Worn Strength

We thought about analogies like sanding down wood, a tree’s established tension wood, and knocking in a cricket bat as examples of how wear enhances strength, potential, and longevity. It helps us go further, sustain longer, and refine our abilities.

A Well-Worn Punch

Life will throw setbacks and surprises our way. What does it mean to wear these punches well?

Wearing Your Heart on Your Sleeve

We discussed the meaning of this phrase and whether it’s possible to wear your heart on your sleeve well (or poorly).

Traditions, Rituals, and Relationships

Well-worn habits, rituals, and traditions for individuals, relationships, and communities can help us connect with meaning and creative presence. But they can also grow stale and stagnant. How can we tell the difference?

Cliche and Jargon

When words are overused, their original meaning can be diluted and impotent.

To Repair or Replace

We discuss the balance between repairing what we value and knowing when to let go of what’s no longer serving us.

Sentimental Value

Items we love show the marks of time, love, and use. Their value transcends markets and money.

Watch The Kota Replay

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