The Good Word

The Good Word

Saturday of the First Week of Advent, Kevin MacDonald, C.Ss.R.

December 09, 2023

The lectionary readings for the Optional Memorial of St. Juan Diego Cauhtlatoatzin show why he was chosen by our Lord to receive such a gift from Our Lady. St. Paul begins the First Letter to the Corinthians: 

“Not many of you were wise by human standards,

   not many were powerful,

   not many were of noble birth.

Rather, God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise,

   and God chose the weak of the world to shame the strong…” 

Juan Diego was not expecting anything special to happen to him as he was walking from his home to the Franciscan mission station for religious instruction. As his route passed by the hill at Tepeyac in the Sierra de Guadalupe Mountain Range, he encountered the Virgin Mary, who revealed herself to him as the ever-virgin Mother of God. He was instructed to request from the bishop that a chapel be erected in her honor so that she might relieve the distress of those who call upon her in their need. 

The bishop, as might be expected, did not initially go along with the plan. Bishop Juan Zumarraga asked Juan Diego to come back another day so the bishop would have time to reflect upon the request. Returning home, Juan encountered the Virgin again and announced the failure of his mission. Juan suggested the Blessed Mother ask someone of more importance to speak to the bishop, but she insisted that it was he, Juan Diego, that she wanted for the task. Juan returned to the bishop the next day, which was Sunday, December 10th, 1531. The bishop then asked Juan for some proof that this apparition was truly from heaven. 

Juan returned immediately to the hill at Tepeyac, and the Virgin met him again. She told Juan to return to the bishop and she would provide the proof needed. Overnight, however, Juan Diego’s uncle’s health had deteriorated to the point where Juan felt he had to get a priest to administer the sacraments. It was two days later that the Virgin met him on the road and gently admonished him for not trusting in her intercession. She instructed Juan to climb to the top of the mountain and bring her back some of the flowers that were growing there. He found the flowers, even though they were not in season and were not expected to be found on the rocky outpost where normally cactus and shrub only grew. He gathered them into his mantle and brought them back to Our Lady. She arranged the flowers and Juan set off to find the bishop. When he was allowed into the bishop’s presence, he opened the mantle of his cloak and when the flowers dropped out, what remained was an impression of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Lady of Guadalupe. 

In the words of the Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, Our Lady “is the friend who is ever concerned that wine not be lacking in our lives. She is the woman whose heart was pierced by a sword and who understands our pain. As mother of all, she is a sign of hope for peoples suffering the birth pangs of justice…As a true mother, she walks at our side, she shares our struggles and she constantly surrounds us with God’s love.”

The words of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Juan Diego after he missed their meeting due to his uncle’s illness could be addressed to everyone privileged to know her : “My youngest son, what is the matter? Do not let it disturb your heart. Am I not here, I who have the honor to be your mother?” 

Advent Blessings,

Fr. Kevin MacDonald, C.Ss.R.