The Good Problem

The Good Problem

Lisa Wells: True Believers

September 23, 2021

Today’s episode is a deep dive into exploring doing good in the context of activism. This podcast exists to explore why we do good, how we do good, and what the implications of our do gooding are. In activist communities, we often see a spectrum of people – from those who participate in activism sporadically, to those who dedicate their entire lives to the causes. At this extreme end, we see the outcasts and visionaries – those living on the fringes of society and making change in their own unique way.

In spaces where emotion is high, and beliefs are held closely about the ‘right’ way to do things, we often see tensions. People tearing each other down – a dogma of the right way to do things. How does this impact the cause itself? And is something good if it still causes harm?

I’ve invited author and poet Lisa Wells on to today’s podcast to talk about her new book, Believers – Making a life at the end of the world, which introduces us to these visionaries and outcasts who have found radical new ways to live and connect to the Earth.