The Get Foxy Show

The Get Foxy Show

Clean Beauty – Marissa Bethoney

November 19, 2019

Clean Beauty is a serious trend. But what is it? Botanical Skin Care Expert, Marissa Bethoney explains it in detail.

Clean Beauty Expert, Marissa Joy Bethoney is the founder and creator of Precious Skin Elixirs, a botanical skin care collection that unites the powers of plant and gemstone medicine to deeply nourish the skin and soul through the personal alchemy of beauty ritual. Marissa’s years of study and experience in Herbalism, Energy Medicine, and Shamanic Healing have allowed her to create the skin and soul nourishing potions and rituals designed to cultivate inner and outer vibrancy. Since 2014 Precious Skin Elixirs has been entirely hand crafted of sustainably sourced organic and wild-crafted ingredients as close to their natural states as possible for the ultimate in purity and effectiveness. 

Ideas Covered On This Episode:

* How Marissa got into creating skincare products* What is “Clean Beauty?”* “Orthorexia” of Beauty* Finding the balance between “corporate beauty” and “orthorexic beauty”* Using your intuition and cultivating awareness about product ingredients* Utilize transition of the Seasons to make healthy adjustments * Beauty practices as Ritual Healing* Marissa’s definition of foxy* How Marissa reclaims her foxiness* One piece of advice on how to maintain your foxiness

Learn more about Marissa and Precious Skin Elixirs at the links below: